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          .              '                                           .
     .          '           +          `  .          *          .  *    '
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 '  .   '      boba_wwa_com  / / / / '/ / \ \ .  '/ / '  .    '  . '+    ' .
'  . +.   December 5, 1994 ./_/ /_/ ./_/ * \_\ ' /_/   '.  (  . '      `.    '
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          .                         `                                .
....../""""""" .  This file contains the Questions & Answers found in the ASCII
....../""""""" .  ART FAQ, plus examples of most kinds of ASCII art, Figlet
........./"" ...  fonts, and ANSI escape sequences.  Over 70 K of goodies
........./"" ...  following the Q&A section.  This file also cantains things
........./"" ...  not found in the FAQ, such as more FTP sites, names of
........./"" ...  programs to slow animations, fuller text and illustrations.

   I've included 'From:' lines to tell who emailed or posted the materials.
For best results, this file should be viewed using light characters on a dark
background.  Thanks to all of you who have emailed me with information and
art to include.  Send comments, suggestions and ASCII art to: boba_wwa_com
                      ^^^^^^^^  '''''''''''     """"" """

   Hope this helps!



    ___              ___   _   _  ___  ___  _____  ___  ___   _  _  ___
   |   |            / _ \ | | | || _| / __!!_   _!!_ _!/ _ \ | \| |/ __!
   |   |           | (_) || |_| || _| \__ \  | |   | || (_) || .` |\__ \
   |   |            \__\_\ \___/ !___!!___/  !_!  !___!\___/ !_|\_!!___/
   |   |             O  _     ___   _  _     _____     _____    ______
   |   |            /|\/     |_ _| | \| |   / ___ \   / ___ \  |  ___ \
 __!   !__,        / |        | |  | .` |  | |   | | | |   | | | |   \ \
 \       / \O       / \      !___! !_!\_!  | |___| | | !___! | | |___/ /
  \     / \/|      /___\   _    _   ____   |  ___  | |  ___  | | ..  _/
   \   /    |     !_   _! | |__| | |  __!  | |   | | | |   | | | | \ \
    \ /    / \      | |   |  __  | |  __!  | |   | | | |   | | | |  \ \
     Y   _/  _\     !_!   !_!  !_! !____!  !_!   !_! !_!   !_! !_!   \_\

     1   What is ASCII art?
     2   Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF?
     3   What is ASCII art used for?
     4   What are the different kinds of ASCII art?
     5   What is the best way to view ASCII art?
     6   How can I learn to make ASCII art?
     7   Are there any ASCII tools?
     8   Where can I get ASCII tools?
     9   Where can I find ASCII art?
    10   How do I use FTP, Gopher, World Wide Web, and FTP Mail Servers?
    11   Can I get The Scarecrow's files via email?
    12   Is it OK to copy ASCII art?
    13   How do I make those big letters?
    14   Where can I get Figlet?
    15   How can I make Gray Scale pictures?
    16   Where can I get Gray Scale converters?
    17   How can I make better Gray Scale conversions?
    18   What do those filename extensions mean?
    19   What is 'uuencoding'?
    20   How do I save, 'uudecode' and uncompress a file?
    21   How do I view animations and color images?
    22   How do I put an animation in my plan?
    23   How do I make a sig?
    24   How do I have my sig automatically added to my posts and email?
    25   What should I know about posting ASCII Art?
    26   Where is the FAQ available?
    27   Who made this file?


           ___    _   _    ____   _      _   ______   _____     ____
       O ,/ _ \  | \ | |  / ___! | |    | | |  ____! |  __ \   / ___!
      /\/| !_! | |  \| | | (___  | | /\ | | | !__    | !__) | | (___
     /   |  _  | | . ` |  \___ \ \ \/  \/ / |  __!   |  _  /   \___ \ O  ,
    /\   | | | | | |\  |  ____) | \  /\  /  | !____  | | \ \   ____) ||\/
   /_/_  !_! !_! !_! \_! !_____/   \/  \/   !______! !_!  \_\ !_____/ |/\_

     __                                                              _  O
    /_ |     ______________________________________________________   \/|\/
    _| |_                                                               |
   !_____!   What is ASCII art?                                       _/ \_

    a b c d e f g h          Standard ASCII art is made by using only
   i j k l m n o p q      letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols
   r s t u v w x y z      such as those at the left.
    A B C D E F G H          These characters are part of the ASCII (as - kee,
   I J K L M N O P Q      America Standard Code for Information Interchange)
   R S T U V W X Y Z      set.  This part of the ASCII set, is called the
                          'printable set' (7 bits, characters 32 to 126).
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
                             There's also non-standard ASCII art, which
  \ | - _ + % @ < ; !     contain 'contral codes'.
  = # . , : > ( ] / $
 & " ~ ) [ ^ { ' ` } ?       ASCII art is popular, with several ASCII art
                          groups on various information services.  Before
    'printable set'       computers, ASCII art was made on typewriters,
      of the 7 bit        teletype machines (5 bit), and was created
    ASCII characters.     typographically.  There's even :-) tee-shirts.

    ___                                                                 O  ,
   !_  )    _______________________________________________________   \/|\/
    / /_                                                                |
   /____!   Why use ASCII art instead of a GIF?                       _/ \_

   ASCII art is used because:

   Standard ASCII art is    If you can view text,     ASCII art is also the
   the only type of         you can view ASCII art    most compact form of
   graphics easily          (as it is made up of      graphics.  An ASCII
   transmitted and          standard text             picture can easily be
   instantly viewable on    characters).  No          less than 1 K.  In
   any terminal,            conversion or special     cases where resolution
   emulation, or            software required to      is not an issue, an
   communications           view.  Non-standard       ASCII graphic can take
   software.  It should     (8 bit) ASCII art         the place of a bitmap,
   also be printable on     requires that the file    EPS, or GIF of 20, 50,
   type of printer.         be saved and "cat'd".     100 or more K!

    ____                                                                O  ,
   !__ /    _______________________________________________________    /|\/
    !_ \                                                              / |
   !___/    What is ASCII art used for?                               _/ \_

   ASCII art is used for many things, like:

   o  EDUCATION - A periodic table or molecular model for example.

   o  CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION - Pictures are international.

   o  BBS & SERVER SCREENS - Login and logoff screens, MUDs, promos, etc.

   o  ENTERTAINMENT - Like a birthday 'card', holiday greetings, invitations,
      congradulatory messages, children's picture stories, etc.

   o  VISUAL AID - Such as a wiring diagram, floor plan, illustrated
      instructions, or flow chart, to eliminate a long involved explanation
      with a graphic.

    _ _                                                                 O
   | | !_    ______________________________________________________   \/|\/
   !_   _!                                                              |
     !_!     What are the different kinds of ASCII art?               _/ \_

   The first four use the standard printable set, and can be viewed anywhere,
anytime, on any equipment.  If you can view text, you can view art.  They are:

   o  Line drawing - Such as the 3-D snowman         ..:::::::::..
      below.  Line art is made using              ..:::::::::::::::..
      characters for their shapes.              ..:::::: ====== :::::..
                                               ..::::: ========== ::::..
      In the case of the candle at right,     ..::::: ==== |\ ==== ::::..
      characters were chosen for their        .::::: ==== /%#| ==== :::..
      shape AND brightness.                   .::::: === |&@/ ==== :::::.
                                              ..::::: ===_\|_==== :::::..
      For how to make ASCII art, see           ..::::: /| .:. | :::::...
      Ouestion 9 below.                         ..:::: || .:. | ::::...
                                                 ...:: (| .:. | ::....
      Candle Line Drawing by The Scarecrow.        .... | .:. | ....

   o  Lettering - Large and styled like the title "ASCII ART RESOURCES" above,
      ond like the lettering below.  It can be made by hand, or it can be
                                                               generated by
       _    ___  _____  _____  ___   ___   _____  _  _   ___   using special
      | |  | __!|_   _||_   _|| __! | _ ) |_   _|| \| | / __!  software.  For
      | |_ | __!  | |    | |  | __! |   \  _| |_ |    || \_ \  more info on
      !___!!___!  !_!    !_!  !___! !_!\_\!_____!!_!\_| \___/  auto-lettering
                                                               programs for
      use on some systems, see Question 13.  This is a 'Geometric Article'.
      It is used as a wrap-around for the hand drawn word "LETTERING" above.

   o  Gray Scale picture - These                  :<!!:
      create the illusion of gray shades     ..:::tNi@Nin!+: :::xr
      by using letters for their light     '!)Q88i@8888NNidbo@Ni8ir
      emitting value (assuming you are    .s:S988TR88RX*###RB8888i:x
      viewing light letters on a dark    x+RRX88888NL#?!< :<?#RR888bX
      background).  Below is a chart    !MN*#M#*BRR#8iXxi@NUX!MN88888:
      showing the light values of     <x@T!M!::(R8H@888888888xX88888#=
      various characters.  To the     x8W8Ui@!~!XMMM9M8RRRRBMMM!T588.
      right is an example of gray     .N8888M<<<~!#MXMHM8N888RMR<9R888N!.
      scale art.  This is an image    XQ888M!<:::sxXU!?MTT222#MM<?M8888~!
      of Einstein I made from a       988NMMf<!!~`"!Rk:X!"""#*N!:~!T588 !
      GIF, using Gifscii for the      "R(#MF `<      "!!~     ~<9XN#88XX<:
      Mac.  There are some examples    "%/9" x~       :L       XH?R?M888x%
      at the end of this file.          xi/ ~M:u::~  <88>x<:<uuUF<~*"<?8!~
      ________________________         X38M::#M88R::d<88k9bxH888f4r o<<Ri
     |                        |       '!88N!!X6?M&i8#<88Rt88NMR9%!!'8:<?8!
     |  Lighter   *WMB8&%$#@  |         #R?<:~B:M88~ 488H~"88XM8~ ~HRtxH#
     |    /\      oahkbdpqwm  |      +++x8!:<'8!@8!.  ""!:.#8M8# ~<!@!M?::
     |   /||\     LCJUYXZO0Q  |      -<!#\x~:.?<M~ <<::;;>> ?%8xx!:i:`MHbLX
     |    ||      rcvunxzjft  |       :*:!!:nM.~!~`<<! <`~" d<?98NHRNi!?888eu.
     |   \||/     /\|()1{}[]  |       ` `xH98MN.      '~~:. ?:x888!888xd88888f
     |    \/      -_+<>i!lI?  |        :@8R?R?88ex  .boba94  WM888M88(W888888f
     |  Darker    .'`,^:";~   |      .oX"#MMX!!R88b ~"##**".d8f?RRX8PW8888888f
     !________________________!    .u8888iXMMnWU7T#@s.     @88kX888RN88888888f
       Scale from Jorn Barger.    .@888888NK9*MR88N86Q:.. x8T888R#88888888888f
       Einstein GIF conversion  d88888888888kM888NN868RRRRRRR5b@8888888888888f
           by The Scarecrow.   '8888888888888!M888888888888888888888888888888!

   o  3-D image - They can be viewed by people with similar vision in both
      eyes.  You try to focus as if you are looking at the back of the
      monitor.  The image should pop into focus and create a 3-D illusion.
      Other 3-D images are viewed by putting your nose on the monitor glass.

       .-~~\           ::::::    .-~~\        ::::::   For automated help in
      /     \  _       |::::|   /     \ _     |::::|   making 3-D images,
      ~x    .-~_)_     l~~~~!   ~x   .-~_)_   l~~~~!   you can use a program
        ~>x".-~   ~-.   \RC/      ~x".-~   ~-. \RC/    called 'sirdvu11'.
     _   ( /         \   ||    _  ( /         \ ||     For red-blue 3-D,
     ||   T  o  o     Y  ||    ||  T o  o      Y||     you can use DTA
   ==:l   l   <       !  (3  ==:l  l  <        !(3     (Dave's Targa
      \\   \  .__/   /  /||     \\  \  ._/    / ||     Animation), and for
       \\ ,r"-,___.-'r.//||      \\,r"-,___.-'r/||     stereograms you need
        }^ \.( )   _.'//.||      }^\. ( )  _.-//||     a program called STAREO.
       /    }~Xi--~  //  ||     /   }~Xi--~  // ||\    And there's also
      Y    Y I\ \    "   ||    Y   Y I\ \    "  || Y   "mk3d.lha" for the
      |    | |o\ \       ||    |   | |o\ \      || |   Amiga.  For more
      |    l_l  Y T      ||    |   l_l  Y T     || |   information, see
      l      "o l_j      |!    l     "o l_j     || !   the alt.3d group.
       \                 ||     \               ||/
     .--^.     o  -Row .^||.  .--^.     o -Row  ||--.  3-D snowman by
          "           ~  `'        "           ~`'     Rowan Crawford.

   See Question 8 for info on where to get 3-D programs.

   Other types of ASCII art using the standard printable set include the
following four:

   o  Geometric Article - Text itself is formed into shapes.  It can be used
      to create interesting or meaningful shapes out of the text you read.

   o  Picture Poem - A geometric article that is also a poem.  See the swan in
      the examples at the end of this file and ASCII Art Reference (the Web
      version of the FAQ).

   o  Page Making - Text and graphics are intermixed, as in a magazine.  The
      first four examples in this ansewr are an example of ASCII art page
      making.  Also known as 'pagination'.

      Page making may be as simple as using a geometric article as a simple
      wrap-around, as in Question 5.  Or it may be a three column text format,
      as in Questions 2 and 9.  Or it can be something complex, like multi
      column text wrapped around gray scale graphics, with captions,
      headlines, graphs, charts, sidebars, etc.

   o  Picture Story - A story told with accompanying ASCII pictures.  The
      text and ASCII graphics are intermixed using ASCII art page making

      Chevalier has made a number of picture stories.  Six stories and two
      poems are available in a file called "Chevalier" in /pub/Scarecrow/Misc
      at the Scarecrow's FTP site.

   See the end of this file and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version) for
examples of all of the above.  Send any geometric articles, picture poems, and
picture stories, you may have to: boba_wwa_com

   There are also non-standard types of ASCII art which cannot be viewed
immediately upon receiving.  They contain 'control codes' for color or
animation.  They must be 'uuencoded' to be posted or emailed.  For further
information, see Question 19.

   The three types of non-standard ASCII art are:

   o  Animation - You see an animated image produced by a sequence of changing
      ASCII pictures.  The speed will depend on the system you are using, and
      modem speed if you are calling in.  "ANSI" (American National Standards
      Institute) escape sequences can be found at the end of this file and in
      ASCII Art Reference (the Web version).

   o  Color Graphics - You can view color ASCII pics, if you have a color
      screen and ANSI color compatible software.  Check to see if your
      software supports ANSI color, and how it is enabled.

   o  Color Animation - For an example of color and animation together, take a
      look at the file called "Vortex" in /pub/Scarecrow/Color at the
      Scarecrow's FTP site.

   Examples of these are at the end of this file and ASCII Art Reference (the
Web version).  Send any animations, color pics, and color animations you may
have to: boba_wwa_com

   But wait, there are other kinds of ASCII art:

o  Overstrike Art - It contains carriage returns without line feeds at times.
   The print head can overstrike a line on the paper that has already been
   printed on.  This allows for darkening, and for placing different
   characters at the same place on the paper.  This kind of art is obviously
   only printed.

o  Srcoll Animation - This is an animation that is made to be viewed by
   scrolling down.  The image plays out as the screen is redrawn with the next
   'page' of the image.

    ___                                                                 O
   | __!    _______________________________________________________    /|\
   !__ \                                                             _/ | \_
   !___/    What is the best way to view ASCII art?                   _/ \_

   For best results in viewing ASCII art, try:

   o  A 'non-proportional' font, also called a 'mono-spaced' font.  This is a
      font that displays the same number of characters per inch, no matter
      what the actual width of the characters.  So the letters i and n and m
                                                      are displayed at the
      iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii   same characters per
      nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn   per inch.  If you are
                                                      a non-proportional,
      or mono-spaced, font, the three lines in the inset area above should
      appear the same length.  If they don't look the same length, try another
      font.  Names to look for on various systems include: Monaco, Courier,
      Courier New, Video Terminal, System, TTY, VT100, Screen, Terminal,
      FixedSys, Line Printer, etc.  This is a simple Geometric Article.  It is
      used as a wrap-around for the lines of characters.

   o  A small, say, 9 point font, will help to increase the apparent
      resolution.  A small font also helps the illusion of gray scale images.

   o  Viewing from a distance of a meter or more also helps.

   o  Using light characters on a dark background.  Many ASCII pictures are
      meant to be viewed light on dark.  This is because the artist can more
      easily control the light and get a better lighting effect.  Also, the
      viewer benefits because there is less glare than you would get from a
      light background.

   And in some instances:

   o  While most gray scale pics are made to be viewed light characters on a
      dark background, some will be made to be viewed dark on light.  This is
      because they are meant to be printed with dark ink on light paper.  Use
      dark characters on a light background, or print them out.

   o  While most ASCII pics are made to be viewed on a monitor that displays
      80 characters across, some ASCII pics are wider, say, 81 to 132
      characters across.  They are meant to be printed.  Use a small, say, 4
      point type, and view dark on light, or print them out.

   o  While mast ASCII art is either ready to view, 'cat' or print, you may
      find art that has been saved as a picture in a bitmap, EPS, GIF, or
      other binary format.  These must be viewed or printed with the
      appropriate software.

   There are a few important things to remember when making, viewing, or
talking about an ASCII art image.  And they're obvious but almost always

   o  Even though different fonts may all be mono-spaced, they ARE different,
      and can make a picture LOOK different.  Some artists may mention the
      font the picture was made with.

   o  A font may be serif or sans-serif (serifs are the little feet on
      characters).  The ascenders and descenders may be straight or curved.
      And characters may be wide or narrow.

   o  The weight, or heaviness of characters can vary.  Serifs, the little
      feet on characters, can make them look heavier.  Especially effected by
      weight inconsistencies are symbols like:

      #  hatch/hash mark
      $  dollar sign
      @  at sign

   o  Shapes can vary too.  Here are some of the more consistent shapes:

      -  dash
      /  slash
      \  backslash

      Richard Kirk says "Shapes to be wary of are":

      ~  sometimes sits high, sometimes in middle
      ^  same reason
      *  same reason
      &  sometimes closed, sometimes open
      |  same reason
      '  sometimes hooked left, sometimes straight
      [] sometimes centered, sometimes far off
      <> sometimes touch top and bottom, sometimes centered
      0  sometimes with slash, sometimes open
      l  sometimes with base, sometimes not
      y  sometimes straight tail, sometimes curved

   o  According to Jorn in his "asciitech" file, "Unfortunately, this narrow
      standard ignored the needs of many other cultures: the British 'pound'
      sign, letters with accents in French and Scandinavian alphabets, etc.,
      which led them to introduce slight modifications to the standard, making
      the following symbols (at least) non-universal":

      ^  caret
      `  backquote
      #  hatch/hash mark
      |  pipe
      {} curly braces
      ~  tilde
      \  backslash
      [] square brackets
      $  dollar sign
      @  at sign

   o  Different systems display text differently.  If you look at a picture on
      a terminal at a Unix site, and then bring it home and view it on a Mac,
      it will look different.  On the Mac, it will be displayed shorter top
      to bottom.  In other words, it will have a greater aspect ratio.  Even
      though it contains the same number of lines.

   This is an Aspect Ratio Scale:

        0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  3.0  3.5  4.0  4.5  5.0

         |                                             |
         |          To get the aspect ratio of         |
         |          the screen you are viewing:        |
         |                                             |
         |   ______ Measure the vertical line (left)   |
         |          on your screen with a ruler.       |
         |                                             |
         |          Read off the same distance on the horizontal
        -+-         scale (above).  That number is the aspect ratio.

     __                                                               , O/
    / /_     ______________________________________________________   \/|
   |  _ \                                                               |
    \___/    How can I learn to make ASCII art?                       _/ \_

   Unfortunately, there aren't many text books on the subject. :-)

   A good way to learn is to look at how an artist has made a picture.  See
what characters are chosen.  How are the characters laid out?  How is a
texture made?  Study whatever ASCII art you see in the group (or in archives).

   Another good way is to modify existing art.  Take a piece of art you think
could be improved.  Make a copy.  Now work on it.  If you ruin it, make
another copy and have another go.

   When you are good at that, try to improve a really good pic.  Diddle a GIF
conversion.  Then see if you can fix a damaged file.  Now take some small pics
and put them together into a big composite image.

   If you're working from scratch, the following may help you:

   o  Decide what you want.  Block it out, guessing roughly where everything
      should go.  Then work out the sizes and proportions.  Now is the time to
      do it, not after all the detailing and smoothing has been done.

   o  Start adding the details.  Concentrate on the focal point and important
      parts of your drawing.  Because ASCII art is a low definition medium,
      you have to make the pic big if you want to be able to really smooth
      it out or have a lot of detail.

   o  Be careful how much detail you try to pack into a picture.  Take a tip
      from master artists of the cartoon world, and just try to suggest
      things, don't try to replicate them.  Too much detail can end up looking

   o  One of the biggest helps is knowing how to shape things.  For example,
      you can curve a horizontal line with just:  _ - "


      Here's a wavy line by MJ:

              .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.
         `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'   `._.'

      Here's Richard Kirk's DNA-like version:

          .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-.   .-.-
         / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \
        `-'   `-`-'   `-`-'   `-`-'   `-`-'   `-`-'   `-`-'   `-`-'

   o  Slanting vertical lines is easy:

      This slanted     This second    This one is    This really slanted line
      line is simply   line is made   made using     is made with the five
      made with the /  with , and '   , and - and '  characters , _ - ' "

            /                    ,'                ,-'                   ,_-'"
           /                   ,'               ,-'                 ,_-'"
          /                  ,'              ,-'               ,_-'"
         /                 ,'             ,-'             ,_-'"
        /                ,'            ,-'           ,_-'"
       /               ,'           ,-'         ,_-'"

      Felix Lee made the following lines, saying "Each of these conveys a
      different style, a different mood".

          /        _/        ./        ,/        /'        .'        ,'
        /        _/        ./        ,/        /'        .'        ,'
      /        _/        ./        ,/        /'        .'        ,'

   o  Then there's smoothing, also called "anti-aliasing".  This is where
      special care is taken to use characters for their shapes.  With this
      technique, you can smooth out a font, or an object like the one below.

      Let's say you have made an            XXXX        The b d and o are good
      object like this out of X's ______  XXXXXXXX    / for sloping.  The o
      The object is rather rough.        XXXXXXXXXX  /  can be used on either
                                          XXXXXXXX  /   side of the slope.
      Let's change that, first we'll        XXXX   /
      fill the inside with 8.                     /     The ( and ) are for
                                            d88b      / curving the sides.
      The 8 is a popular character  ____  d888888b   /
      for a general fill.  Some people   (88888888)     The Y is used because
      prefer M or H for fills.  Smooth    Y888888Y  ___ the P has no mirror.
      using characters for their shapes.    Y88Y        You can also use *.

   o  Use areas of characters for patterns, tones, and contrast.  For example,
      in this flower, notice the density of the letters subtlely change to
      form the petals.  I would like to see this colorized.

              .@.                                    .
              @m@,.                                 .@
             .@m%nm@,.                            .@m@
            .@nvv%vnmm@,.                      .@mn%n@
           .@mnvvv%vvnnmm@,.                .@mmnv%vn@,
           @mmnnvvv%vvvvvnnmm@,.        .@mmnnvvv%vvnm@
           @mmnnvvvvv%vvvvvvnnmm@, ;;;@mmnnvvvvv%vvvnm@,
 `    `@mnnvv%v%v%v%%;;@mvvvvv%%;;*;;%%vvvmmmm@;;%m;%%v%v%v%vmm@'   '
           `@mnvvv%vvnnmm@'     `:;%%;:'     `@mvv%vm@'
            `@mnv%vnnm@'          `;%;'         `@n%n@
             `@m%mm@'              ;%;.           `@m@
              @m@'                 `;%;             `@
              `@'                   ;%;.             '    Top portion of a
               `                    `;%;          picture by Susie Oviatt.

   o  Here are a couple of textures from Jorn's "asciitech" file:

      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              ::*:::::***:::::::::::
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              :::::::**::::::*::::*:
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              :*::*:*::*::::*::::*::
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              :::*::::::*::*:*::::::
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              ::*:*::::*:*::::::::::
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*              ::::::*:*::::*::::::::
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*  Flat        *::::::::**:::::::::**  The same,
      *::*::*::*::*::*::*::*  texture.    ::::*::::::*:::::*::::  randomized.

   Here are a few tips, that taken together, can make an instant ASCII artist
out of anybody:

   o  A quick way to make a pic is to photocopy a drawing onto plastic.  Place
      the plastic over your monitor to act as a guide for placing characters.

   o  Ease your work by making a file full of lines of spaces.  Now copy that
      file.  Open a copy and start working.  You'll see that it's easier
      because you can now go where you want and replace the spaces with
      characters.  You have eliminated endless space bar pressing.  Remember
      to strip all trailing spaces when you're done.

   o  Use a mouse.  A mouse allows you to move more quickly from character to
      character.  It's also easier to delete bunches of characters and large
      numbers of lines.
   o  To avoid as much variation as possible   |                           |
      in characters, weights, and shapes       |   )   =   +   /   !   (   |
      found between different fonts, use the   |   -   _   :   ;   ,   .   |
      characters shown at the right.           !___________________________!

   o  Use 'block editing' if you can.  Some software allows for a square or
      rectangular chunk of text to be cut, copied and pasted.

   o  It may be better to work on your own computer (if it has more
      appropriate hardware and-ar software), and then upload it to your

   Also, see files like Jorn's "asciitech", available at:

             Jorn's FTP site
   ->  Host:
       Path: mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art
       File: asciitech

             Scarecrow's FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Info
             Has Jorn's "asciitech", plus 'How-To' and techniques
             files from Normand and Row, FAQs, and other info files.
             Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

   Send any ASCII art techniques you know to: boba_wwa_com

    ____                                                               \O  ,
   !__  |   _______________________________________________________     |\/
     / /                                                                |
    /_/     Are there any ASCII tools?                                _/ \_

   Not many.  The Emacs editor offers some help, if you know how to use it.
There are a couple of bits of Emacs code in the Scarecrow's FTP site.
EmacsMouseCode let's you draw with a mouse, and EmacsFigletCode let's you use
Figlet within Emacs.

   Q-Edit and "vedit" are ASCII editors with block cut and paste.  And TheDraw
can do some ANSI tricks but is limited by RAM size.

   There are Unix and DOS scripts for flipping an ASCII pic (like "modasc" by
Ric Hotchkiss).  BBSdraw is available for the Amiga.  So is CygnusEd, which
allows column editing.  And also the TPU editor for VAX.  And then there's
"mdraw.el" for GNU Emacs 19 under X, that lets you draw ASCII with a mouse.

   Erik Downie is working on an ASCII tool for the Amiga.  Also available for
the Amiga are BBSdraw and CygnusEd (the latter allows column editing).  And
there's the TPU editor for VAX.

                                                                      \   /
    ___                                                                \O/
   ( _ )    _______________________________________________________     |
   / _ \                                                                |
   \___/    Where can I get ASCII tools?                              _/ \_

   You can get TheDraw at:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/msdos/screen

    You can get "mdraw.el" at:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/flee
       File: mdraw.el

   You can get Q-Edit at:

   ->  Host:
       Path: /pub/msdos/qedit

    You can get Emacs Code at:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Info

   You can get Erik Downie's Amiga tool via email from:

 -> Address: mcscs1eid_dct_ac_uk

   You can get stereogram programs from:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/stereograms

   You can get "sirdvu11" from:

   ->  Host:

   ->  Host:

    ___                                                                 Q
   / _ \    _______________________________________________________  ,_/|\
   \_, /                                                                |/
    /_/     Where can I find ASCII art?                               _/ \_

   You can FTP and Gopher ASCII art (single pics and archives of dozens or
hundreds of images).  FTP'ing is easy.  Gophering is easier.  See Question 10
for further info.  ASCII art is available from many sites, including:

   o  FTP Sites:

             Scarecrow's ASCII Art FTP
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow
             Has Scarecrow's files, SAPs, animations, color, FAQs, Figlet,
             gray scale converters, 'how-to' files, and more.
             See Question 11 for a table of all the Scarecrow's files,
             showing file name, size (uncompressed), version, name it has
             at the Scarecrow's FTP site, and the subject line for
             requesting it by email.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/ascii/art/pictures

             Chris' FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/ncsu/chking/Archive
             Contains all the Scarecrow's files, all of Steve Sullivan's
             files, and Gifscii for many systems.

             Jorn's FTP site
   ->  Host:
       Path: mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art
             Has Scarecrow's files, plus other ASCII art files, and the
             technically oriented "asciitech".

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/asciiart
             Has Steve's Small ASCII Pics collections in /sullivan.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/pics/ascii

   ->  Host:
       Path: files/text_files
             ASCII art files are appended with ".art".

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/pictures/ascii/plain_ascii

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/be/bertino
             Cantains Disney art.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub
       File: ascii-art.gz

      Lineprinter art:

   ->  Host:
       Path: image/

   ->  Host:
       Path: graphics/lpr_art

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/pics/lpr_art

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/pictures/asci


   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/local/n1ka0/animation
             Contains dozens of animations

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/vtmovies

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/be/bertino

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/computer/vt100

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/multimedia/animation/vt100-animation

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/vt100

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/ascii/art/movies

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/pictures/ascii/vt100_animation

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/user/hello/index

      ANSI graphics:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/msdos/demos/ansi

   o  Gopher Servers:

             ASCII Art Bazaar
   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 11, 1
       Path: 70/1asciiarc.70 (70/11asciiarc.70 on some clients)
             Over 12 megabytes, thousands of pieces in many categories.

             Scarecrow's ASCII Art Gopher
   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 3
        URL: gopher://
             Has Scarecrow's files, SAPs, animations, color, FAQs, Figlet,
             gray scale converters, 'how-to' files, and more.  Everything the
             FTP site has is available from the Gopher, with friendlier menus.

             TTU Gopher
   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 7, 1
       Path: 1/Art and Images/ClipArt (ASCII)
        URL: gopher://
   UMN Link: North America/USA/texas/Texas Tech University, Computer Sciences

             Stanford Gopher
   ->  Host: medmail.Stanford.EDU
 Menu Items: 2, 1
        URL: gopher://medmail.Stanford.EDU/11/other.stuff/pictures/

   o  World Wide Web:

             Scarecrow's WWW Link
    ->  URL:
             Gateway to the wold of ASCII art, with links to everything.

             Chris' WWW Page
    ->  URL:

    ->  URL:

             Joshua Bell's Star Trek art
    ->  URL:

   o  Mailing List:

             ASCII Art listserv list
->  Address: listserv_ukcc_uky_edu
    Message: subscribe asciiart

   o  FTP Mail Servers:

->  Address: ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com
    Message: help

->  Address: ftpmail_sunsite_unc_edu
    Message: help

->  Address: bitftp_pucc_bitnet
    Message: help

 ___,___,_______,____      ___,___,_______,____
|  ...|///./||'||    \    |  ...|///./||'||    \
|  ...|//.//|| ||     |   |  ...|//.//|| || H)  |   THE
|  ...|/.///|||||     |   |  ...|/.///|||||     |   SCARECROW'S
|   _______________   |   |   _______________   |   RECOMMENDATIONS
|  |:::::boba::::::|  |   |  |:::::boba::::::|  |   ___________________
|  |_______________|  |   |  |_______________|  |
|  |_______________|  |   |  |_______________|  |    ________________________
|  |_______________|  |   |  |_______________|  |   |\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\         |
|  |_______________|  |   |  |_______________|  |   |''''''''''''''''''''''''|
||_|               |  |   ||_|               ||_|   | HD 100             - o |
!__|_______________|__!   !__|_______________|__!   !________________________!

If you're short on disk   If you have a bit more    If you have some disk
space, I would suggest    disk space, you may want  space to spare, you
you get the FAQ and       to get the Best of the    should get all of the
get the Most Often        Scarecrow's ASCII Art     SAAAs and save this file.
Requested Edition, plus   Archive.  Also, select a  You can also get all of
files containing the      number of files from      Steve Sullivan's Small
type(s) of art you want,  Steve Sullivan's Small    ASCII Pics, and a few
such as the Sig Gallery.  ASCII Pics.               animations and color pics,
                                                    plus some 'How-To' files.
Disk space is often limited, so store ASCII art     art and info.  With all
compressed (it should compress 3:1).  View it when  these, you'll be an
it's compressed by typing: "zcat filename | more"   ASCII art expert and
for .Z and "gzcat filename | more" for .gz files.   collector, instantly!

    _   __                                                           , Q/
   / | /  \    ____________________________________________________   \/\
   | || () |   How do I use FTP, Gopher,                                /
   !_! \__/    World Wide Web, and FTP Mail Servers?                  _/ \_

   The following instructions are for most Unix based, live InterNet sites.
If you are not on a live wire, you can still access FTP sites.  See the
section below on 'How to use FTP Mail Servers'.

   If you're on a commercial service, or other non-Unix based system, ask your
sysadmin or service representative for information on obtaining files.  If you
are using InterNet software on your own computer via a PPP or SLIP connection,
I assume you don't need my instructions.

   How to read a URL (Uniform Resource Locator):

            |_|   |__________| |_____________________| |_____|
             |          |                 |               |
   Connect Method   Host Name        Folder Path      File Name

   Note: The connect method (the protocol> could also be "gopher" or "http"
(http indicates a WWW page).  Also, a URL my not have a file name at the end,
but may just point to a folder.  It may not even have a folder path, pointing
only to a site.

   WWW URLs usually end with a file having a ".html" extension.  And Web pages
can also be stored on, and accessed from, FTP and Gopher sites.

   Special note: You may occassionally see URLs with a username and password,
or a WAIS URL with additional items.  For further information on URLs, see the
CERN info on URLs:

   How to FTP:

   If you have FTP at your site, and you want to FTP over to say, Chris King's
FTP site, you would, at the prompt:

   o  Type: ftp

      Notice that "ftp" was typed twice.  The first is the command, the second
      is a port of the address.  If you're already at an FTP prompt:

      Type: open

   o  When the connection opens, it'll ask for your name.  This is 'anonymous
      FTP' so:

      Type: anonymous
                                      __________             ______________
   o  When it asks for a password,   |:""""""""i:           | ............ :
                                     |:        |:           | :          | :
      Type: Your email address       |: >boba  |:           | :          | :
                                     |:________!:           | :> | :
   o  To 'Change Directory' over     |   .....  :---_____---| :__________! :
      to Chris' ASCII folder, Type:  |  '-----" :           |..............:
      cd pub/ncsu/chking/Archive     | @        :"-__-_     |"""""""""""""":
                                     |..........:    _-"    |..............:
   o  To list the folder contents,   /.::::::::.\   /\      /.::::::::.:::.\
      type: ls                      /____________\ (__)    /________________\

   o  Let's say you want a file called "Funnies", you would:

      Type: get Funnies

      The file will be transfered to the host you FTP'd from, in the folder
      you were in when you started that FTP session.

   o  When you're done:

      Type: bye

      It will say goodbye and quit.  If you just want to switch to another

      Type: close

      You will be at the ftp prompt, where you can:

      Type: open (or whatever site)

   You may have to decompress or uudecode the file first.  See Question 20 on
how to do that.  Now you can view or download the file from your host.  For
how to view animations and color pics, see Question 21.

   Two helpful things.  Type "cd .." to go back out of a folder.  Type "pwd"
('Print Working Directory') to see where you are.

   Another thing to type is "mget" when you want several files.  Say you want
all the Scarecrow's 'Galleries'.  You would type "mget *Gallery*".  It will
get everything that has "Gallery" in it, which will be all the Scarecrow's
'Galleries', like the GIf Gallery, Sig Gallery, etc.  When it's ready to
transfer each file, it will ask you if you want it.  Press the 'y' key.

   How to Gopher:

   Gopher is easy.  Say you want to check out the Bazaar.  You would:

   o  Type: gopher

   o  Use the up and down arrow keys or number keys to pick the menu item you

   o  Use the right arrow (or return key) to enter a selection, and the left
      arrow to back out.

   o  In this case we pick "The Continuum", which is #11, and press the right
      arrow or return.

   o  After we enter The Continuum, we see the ASCII Art Bazaar, so we pick it
      (it's #1) and press the right arrow or return.

   The Bazaar has over 12 megabytes of ASCII art pics (in categories),
newsgroup articles, collections, information, etc.  And you can view the
goodies without having to download anything just to see it.  You just use
menus to look at what you want, and it's displayed on screen.

   How to use the World Wide Web:

   Using the World Wide Web is as easy as Gopher.  For example, let's say you
want to check out the Scarecrow's WWW Link, you would do the following on a
live Net site using lynx:

   o  Type: lynx

   o  Use the up and down arrow keys to select what you want to see.

   o  Use the right arrow (or return key) to enter a selection, and the left
      arrow to back out.

   You can do as with Gopher, but you can also access links to FTP, Gopher and
WWW sites.  For example, there are links that will take you to Chris King's
Web archive of ASCII art, the Figlet server, the Bazaar, Joshua Bell's Star
Trek ASCII art site, and practically everything in the ASCII art world.

   Important Note: You can use a Web browser to access FTP sites.  You avoid
all that logging in, and there are no commands to remember.  For example, say
you're using lynx, and you want to go to the Scarecrow's FTP site, you would
type, at the prompt:


   As you can see, it's just "lynx" plus the URL for the site.  You can do
this with any FTP site, just type "lynx ftp://" plus the address/path, and you
in like Flynn.

   Note: When using FTP, Gopher, WWW, or other live Net services, try to:

   o  Find files at sites that are close to you before accessing more distant
      locations.  This causes less drain on Net resources between your site
      and the accessed site.

   o  Use these services at off-peak hours, to not slow down the official
      operations of a school or business.

   o  Send a thank you note to the admins of sites you have used and
      benefitted from.  Admins are overworked and underthanked.

   How to use FTP Mail Servers:

   If you don't have FTP access, you can use an FTP Mail Server.  There are a
few listed in the answer to Question 9.

   To use them send a message to any of the listed addresses with "help" as
the message.  Here is an example of how to use ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com:

   o  Address a message to: ftpmail_decwrl_dec_com

   o  Leave the subject blank.

   In the message:

   o  Type: connect

      The hostname could be any available host.

   o  Type: chdir pub/Scarecrow

      Changes directory (folder) to the Scarecrow's ASCII art folder.  The
      folder name could be any existing folder.

   o  Type: binary

      For programs and compressed files.


      Type: ascii

      For text files, uuencoded files, etc.

   o  Type: get MORE

      Transfers the flie called "MORE" to your computer.  The name could be
      the name of any existing file in that folder.

   o  Type: quit

   o  Send the email message

   Your message will be acknowledged.  It will be given a number which you
should save in case of a problem.  Within a day or two you should recieve
either a file or an error message.  If you get an error, make sure the
following are correct:

   o  The host name.

   o  The pathname.

   o  The filename.

   o  The commands.

   o  The cAsE of the letters.

    _   _                                                               O
   / | / |    _____________________________________________________  '\/|\
   | | | |                                                              | \
   !_! !_!    Can I get The Scarecrow's files via email?              _/ \_

   Yes.  If you do NOT have FTP, Gopher, or WWW, you can get files by email.
To receive  _  send email to boba_wwa_com with the subject line  _
          _| |_                                                _| |_
          \   /                                                \   /
           \ /                                                  \ /
            Y                                                    Y

                            Current        Name of file on   Subject line
File Name                   Version  Size  Scarecrow's FTP   for requests

ASCII ART FAQ                   4.8  58 K  FAQ               REQUEST FAQ
If you're not sure if you've seen the latest FAQ, request it.

ASCII Art Resources             4.8 189 K  AAResources       REQUEST RESOURCES
Contains the Questions & Answers from the ASCII ART FAQ, plus examples of
every kind of ASCII art, ANSI escape codes and examples of most all the Figlet

   The following 4 archives contain everything in the Scarecrow's edited

Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive   1.0 349 K  SAAA1.Z.uu        REQUEST SAAA 1.0
Hundreds of goodies, plus special sections on sigs and BBS art.  Each item has
a 'From:' line, and of course there's my witty commentary. :-)

Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive   2.0 362 K  SAAA2.Z.uu        REQUEST SAAA 2.0
Hundreds more goodies, sigs, BBS art, plus sig blanks, plan art, more.

Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive   3.0 369 K  SAAA3.Z.uu        REQUEST SAAA 3.0
Third in the series.  More sigs, BBS art, and GIF conversions.

Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive   4.0 364 K  SAAA4.Z.uu        REQUEST SAAA 4.0
More sigs, GIFs, and a Font Gallery.  All four total around 1.5 megs.

   The following files are subsets of the above archives (if you have the
above archives, you don't have to get these, unless you want them):

Best of the SAAAs               1.0 610 K  BestOfSAAAs.Z.uu  REQUEST BEST
The best of everything from the first 3 SAAAs.

Best of the ASCII Pics          1.0 205 K  BestPics.Z.uu     REQUEST PICS
The best pics from the first 3 SAAAs.  No sigs, bbs art, gifs, etc.

Most Often Requested Edition    1.2 107 K  MORE              REQUEST MORE
This file contains the pics everybody wants.  Birthday pics, animals, Star
Trek, hearts and flowers, etc.  Save time, get this file instead of requesting
someone post it and then waiting for it.

The Scarecrow's Funnies (humor) 2.1 68 K   Funnies           REQUEST FUNNIES
Funny ASCII pix, cartoons, and humorous sigs.

The Scarecrow's Font File       1.0 127 K  FontFile.Z.uu     REQUEST FONTS
Do you just want a collection of fonts?  Here it is, along with some nice hand
lettered pieces.  (These are not .flf fonts for use with Figlet.)

Best of Scarecrow's Sig Gallery 1.2 207 K  SigGallery.Z.uu   REQUEST SIGS
Over 200 non-stop K of some of the best sigs I've seen.  And with people
sending me sigs, I tend to see quite a few.

Best of Scarecrow's BBS Gallery 1.3 88 K   BBSGallery        REQUEST BBS
Some of the best art from login sceens, server screens, MUDs, promos.

Best of Scarecrow's GIF Gallery 1.1 62 K   GIFGallery        REQUEST GIFS
The best GIF conversions I and others have done.  Many conversions I've seen
aren't very good.  But I've taken the best and put them into one collection.

Best of Scarecrow's 3-D Gallery 1.0 30 K   3-DGallery        REQUEST 3-D
Some of the best 3-D pix posted.

|                                                                            |
|                  W H E N   R E Q U E S T I N G   F I L E S                 |
|                                                                            |
|   When requesting files, please be sure to use the subject lines above.    |
|   That way I won't accidentally delete a request thinking it's something   |
|   from a list server I don't want to see.  It will also be important when  |
|   the automation is installed.                                             |

   When writing to me about other things, please use a good strong subject
line.  If you are responding to my reply, please try to include some of what
we have both said, or I may have no clue what it's about.

   And please be patient.  If your message is the first I see when I open my
mailbox, you'll get an answer right away.  If it's the 137th, it may take a
little longer.  I answer most mail the same day.

   If you don't get an answer, please try again, as I may have pressed the
wrong button.  And it's easy to press the wrong button because I handle
tons of mail each week.

    _   ___                                                           , Q
   / | !_  )    ___________________________________________________   \//\
   | |  / /                                                            / /
   !_! /___!    Is it OK to copy ASCII art?                          _/ \_

   ASCII art that is posted is considered copyrighted by the poster.  But
since the post goes around the world, and copyright laws vary, you'd have
trouble enforcing it in some places.  The correct thing to do is ask
permission before using a piece.

   For non-commercial uses:

   Even when ASCII art is copyrighted, there is a general agreement among most
ASCII art people that it is OK to copy and clip, repost and pass it around.
It is generally used AS IF it were Public Domain.

   All that mast artists ask is that their credit be left on the art.  Until
recently, it was common for the creator's credit to be lost.  Also, most
artists appreciate receiving a copy of the thing their art appears in.

   For an example of non-commercial use, you might make an instant sig with a
piece of existing art, a Figletized name, a quote, and your email address.
The one thing that is generally considered bad is to copy somebody's sig, only
changing the name and address.

   For any commercial use:

   When ASCII art is used commercially, such as in for-profit information
services, the artist should be contacted, and agreements reached in regard to
permissions, credits, and payment.  ASCII artists should be treated like any

    _   ____                                                             O
   / | !__ /    ___________________________________________________    \/|
   | |  !_ \                                                          /\ |
   !_! !___/    How do I make those big letters?                    _/  \|

   You can make lettering like the above subtitle "ANSWERS" by hand, or use a
program called Figlet.  With Figlet, the letters you type are automatically
turned into big letters.  Figlet stands for Frank, Ian and Glenn's LETters.
                                            ^      ^       ^       ^^^
   Figlet is available for use on some host systems.  If it is not, you can
obtain Figlet and fonts from the sites listed in Question 14.  There are about
100 fonts for use with Figlet.  Figlet fonts have a .flf suffix.  Figlet is
currently in version 2.1, available for Unix, DOS, Amiga, and Atari ST.

   There are a number of examples of Figlet fonts at the end of this file and
in ASCII Art Reference (the Web version of the FAQ).

The following utilities are also available:

         chkfont - Checks Figlet 2.1 font files for formatting errors.

        fsfiglet - Is a font switching front end to Figlet.

    showfigfonts - Prints a list of available Figlet fonts, and samples.

         zfiglet - Allows the use of compressed fonts with Figlet.

   Here are some handy things for Figlet users.  Again, these instructions are
for most Unix based systems.

   This is a ksh script that produces an example file for all fonts in a

#! /bin/ksh

for FILE in `ls *.flf`
echo $FILE >> output.file
echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >> output.file
echo $FILE | figlet -f $FILE >> output.file
echo ~~~   ~~~   ~~~ >> output.file

   To use it:

   o  Save this script to a file in the folder where you keep the fonts

   o  Make it executable by typing: chmod 755 filename

   o  Make sure the folder containing the script is in your path

   o  Run it by typing its name

   If you want to send Figlet's output to a file instead of the screen,
do the following at the prompt on most Unix based systems:

   o  Type: figlet -f fontname > output.file

   o  Type your text.

   o  When you're done, press: control-d.

   You can have it both ways, send the output to the screen and to a file, by
doing the following:

   o  Type: figlet -f fontname | tee -i output.file

   o  Type your text.

   o  When you're done, press: control-d.

   Or you can use two files, one for prepared text, and another for the output
from Figlet.  Here are a couple examples:

   o  Type: figlet -f fontname < prepared.txt > output.file


   o  Type: cat prepared.txt | figlet -f fontname > output.file

   A vi macro that will figletize a line (by Anthony Thyssen):

" @F   Expand Current Line with `Figlet'
:map @F !!figlet -c -f

   When you run this macro (with @F in command mode - note that this is a
'two-key' macro), you can specify the font name on the command line (or else
the default one will be used).  The current line will be figletised (and
centered) when you press return.

   Add this to your EXINIT variable, or to your ~/.exrc file (but beware that
vi will ignore ~/.exrc if EXINIT is set).  Automatic execution is possible by
finishing the macro with a ^M (done in vi by a control-V followed by 'Enter'
to produce a 'hard' control-M).

   With all the Figlet fonts available, you have a lot of choices.  But it
doesn't stop there.  You can make an infinite number of changes to how the
output looks.

   For example, here's the standard output of the alligator.flf font:

  ::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::
     :+:     :+:       :+:    :+:    :+:
    +:+     +:+       +:+           +:+
   +#+     +#++:++#  +#++:++#++    +#+
  +#+     +#+              +#+    +#+
 #+#     #+#       #+#    #+#    #+#
###     ########## ########     ###

   You can flip the effect by typing:

echo TEST | figlet -f alligator | tr ':+#' '#+:'

   Which gives us:

  ########### ########## ######## ###########
     #+#     #+#       #+#    #+#    #+#
    +#+     +#+       +#+           +#+
   +:+     +:++#++:  +:++#++:++    +:+
  +:+     +:+              +:+    +:+
 :+:     :+:       :+:    :+:    :+:
:::     :::::::::: ::::::::     :::

   And of course, you can send the output to a file, like:

echo TEST | figlet -f alligator | tr ':+#' '#+:' > output.file

   Some other hosts have a program called "Banner" which performs a similar

    _   _ _                                                            O
   / | | | !_    __________________________________________________    |\/
   | | !_   _!                                                         |
   !_!   !_!     Where can I get Figlet?                              /_\_

   You can get Figlet and fonts from:

   o  FTP Sites:

             Official Figlet Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/figlet

             Scarecrow's FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Figlet
             Has Figlet, utilities, and all the fonts I've found.
             Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.
             If you have any Figlet fonts that are not on my site, please put
             them in my incoming FTP folder.  Thank you.

   ->  Host:
       Path: graphics/graphics/misc/figlet
             Figlet only.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/user-supported/figlet
             Fonts only.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/vz/vzvz/asciiart/fonts
             Fonts only.

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/apple2/16bit/GNO/Figlet

   Depending on where you get Figlet and-or Figlet fonts from, you may have to
uudecode, uncompress, and possibly 'untar' them.  For how to do this, see
Question 20.

   o  Figlet WWW Server:

       ->  URL:

   o  Figlet Mail Server:

    -> Address: figlet_ottime_chi_il_us
       Message: HELP

   o  Figlet WWW Home Page:

       ->  URL:

   o  Figlet Mailing List:

    -> Address: listserv_vmd_cso_uiuc_edu
       Message: SUBSCRIBE FIGLET-L
                Receive new fonts, software update notices, as well as chat
                about Figlet.  It's run by Ian Chai.

    _   ___                                                         , O O
   / | | __!    __________________________________________________  \/| |\_
   | | !__ \                                                       /\ | | /\
   !_! !___/    How can I make Gray Scale pictures?              _/  \| |/  \_

                         :::::::: MMM$W::::::::::::
                         :::::::~ MMMM$>:::::::::::
  You can make them from ::::::: :MMMMRk:::::::::::    Most converters
scratch if you are a     ::::~s:::XMMM9M:::::::::::  require the GIF to be
very good ASCII artist.  :::::9k?:HMMM@MXN>::::::::  in 87a format, not 89a
                         :::::M$(!?MMMMMH$k::::::::  format.  GIFs in 89a
  An easier way is to    ::::!M$k:!MM!`M9M$::::::::  format, must be converted
use an ASCII converter.  ::::~MBf!!!" M8MM$!:::::::  to 87a format first.
                         ::::!M$XH!~ X##MMN::::::::  Some programs capable of
  There is ASCGIF,       ::::!MM!?!  M:@NM$::::::::  viewing GIFs can save in
Gifscii (with versions   :::::MR!~: :?MN$8N!:::::::  the 87a format.
many systems), ANSIrez,  ::::!MM::: '4M$$$$!:::::::
GIF2ANSI, "gif2txt" and  ::::!MH::: '4M$$$$!:::::::    The exception to the
"ansicv22" for the PC    ::::!?%~:   XM9$B$!:::::::  GIF converters is a
                         :::::XX::  'XM9$B$!:::::::  bitmap converter for
  There's "asciipicter", ::::!XM::  'XM9$$$f:::::::  Windows called Pixel
a HyperCard stack (Mac)  ::::~!%~:  'XMM$M$!:::::::  Characterizer (version
that allows you to draw  :::::x!:xHMMMMN$$8k:::::::  0.5) by Shi Y Chen.
a pic and convert it.    ::::?!Xd$MM!MMM$$$NX::::::
                         ::::!sN$$MMXMMM$$$$$H:::::    If you have trouble
  These programs make an ::::N$$$8HMMM9M?R89MRNk:::  getting a good conversion
ASCII pic from any GIF   :?::2C"""""MM9XXM$##*#*!\!  after making a dozen, see
(Graphics Interchange    !!:?##M@@hxMMM!MM$bobaxx!!  Question 17.
Format) image (or any    XHHH!HMMMM!?X!:MMMMXXxxXXX
image you can convert    MMMMXMMMMMHXXHHMRMMMMMMMMM  Shuttle GIF conversion
to a GIF).               MHW8MMM$8MMM8MN$R$MMMMMMMM  by The Scarecrow.

                                                                      _   _
    _   __                                                             \ /
   / | / /_     ___________________________________________________     |
   | ||  _ \                                                           /O\
   !_! \___/    Where can I get Gray Scale converters?               _/   \_

   You can get Gifscii for many systems, and the source code from:

   o  FTP Sites:

             Chris' FTP site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/ncsu/chking

             Scarecrow's FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Gifscii
             Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

             Both Chris' and Scarcecrow's sites have the following:

             Version: File name

               MSDOS: Gifscii.exe
          Unix (Sun): Gifscii.ux
           Macintosh: MacGifscii.hqx
               Amiga: Gifscii.lha
       Digital Alpha: ALPHAGifscii.exe
         Digital VAX: VAXGifscii.exe
            c-source: Gifsciiv2.2src

             Jorn's FTP site
   ->  Host:
       Path: mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art
             Has Gifscii for the Mac, and the source.

   You can get ASCGIF from:

   o  FTP Sites:

   ->  Host:
       Path: archive/usenet/sources/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif

             Scarecrow's FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Misc
             Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

   ->  Host:
       Path: usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif

   ->  Host:
       Path: usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume30/ascgif

   You can get GIF2ANSI and "gif2txt" from:

   o  BBS Sites:

   ->   BBS: Exec-PC (414) 789-4210
       File: GIF2ANSI.ZIP, in the "Mahoney MS-DOS" file collection.

   ->   BBS: Aquila BBS (708) 820-8344]

   You can get "", "", and "asciipicter.sit.hqx" from:

             Scarecrow's FTP Site
   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow/Misc
             Also accessible through the Scarecrow's Gopher and WWW sites.

    If you do NOT have FTP available, you can get Gifscii by email.
To receive  _  send email to boba_wwa_com with the subject line  _
          _| |_                                                _| |_
          \   /                                                \   /
           \ /                                                  \ /
            Y                                                    Y

      File Name                       Version   Size    Subject line

   o  Gifscii for the Mac                 2.2 - 37 K    REQUEST GIFSCII MAC
   o  Gifscii source code                 2.2 - 51 K    REQUEST GIFSCII SOURCE

    _  ____                                                          .  Q
   / |!__  |    ___________________________________________________   \/|\
   | |  / /                                                             |/
   !_! /_/      How can I make better Gray Scale conversions?         _/ \_

   Most of us start out thinking that you just put a GIF into a converter
program and out comes a perfect ASCII pic.  Would you believe ... there are
some things you can do to improve the chances of getting a good conversion.

   The following is not a complete list, but it is what I have learned in
making many conversions:

   o  Use an 8 bit gray     <<<~!%<:<<<~<!<~4<XXM?XH!!:!:!!!`~<<!~
      scale or color image  <<<<<<~!!<<<~!:<!!XMX!XMf<X!~~~ ~`~`          <

      instead of a 2 bit    <<<<<<<<<<!<<<!<:kHNMXMMh!!~         .~       <
      B&W image.            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<xXMM9R8888F~     '    '
                            <<<<<<<<<<<<xHMM?W88888#!  :       ' '
   o  Use an image with a   <<<<!<<<<<<hMMMMW888888 <:<<<>   .~      '
      wide range of tones,  !<:!<<!<<!!!""M888888RM<!xH!    <:<:
      with a relatively     !!!!!!X!:<~~  J88888RM!<<?M   .<~
      even distribution of  !!!!?!?!!:z  .88888MM!!?hH!::<! ::   `         `
      shades from dark to   !!!!!!X9MN .o888888MXHMMM!~~` `~!!<<<:<<:<

      light.                X!!!??NM`?uN88888R?HMMM!~       `<!<::<<<<<<
                            ??XXX?9Uo@888888MMMM!"~           '!!!!<`<<<<<<: :
   o  Keep it simple, like  XXNN8N888888888R"!"`             -  ~~<~<!<<<::<:`
      a face or close-up    H988RMM8888888R!           !>     x<      `~~!?!!:
      of an object.  Avoid  M9R*!MMMRRR8RR8i:::<x<.        .xH?<         `!!!<

      complicated pictures, 8@M!~~!*MMNN8N88NBNNNX!!!<:n+!*"!<~~ ~<:       `<<
      they seldom produce   8R~< ::xH88RMRRBOBA888h:<       ~~:::<<<:       ~<
      good results.         8R .xXMMMMRRRMMM9MMM5MM?!:       '`~~<!<<:       ~
                            88>!MMMH(2MMMMMM9MMMMRM!<~~           ::<<:
   o  Avoid busy            88X~tX!???tMXM?MM@HXMMMM%. <<~:<!~<<!<:!<:<

      backgrounds.          R8WxX?XXXhM!?MMM9MMX!?M%!!::.  ` `~~~~!!<<<:
      Also, assuming the    ?t88MHM*MMMHHMHHMMMX<?t!!?HXX!?<       ~!<!<
      preference for        !HM88MH!??*MtMMM9?%?t?!?tXXMMtXH!:      `~!<:
      viewing the final     !!MR88MXX?XXX!MX?~!!!H!!!%XXMXH9X!<      '<~~!
      ASCII pic is light    !!HMR888MHMXSXM!XX%!k<XXhXXHtMMMM?X<<:<      ~~<<

      characters on a dark  !HX9MM888MMMMMMHM?MMMMMM9MMMHMMM?M!!!<X:
      background, avoid     !HX?MMR8888N88MMM!HMMMMMHMMMHMHMHHHHXXX!<<:<
      bright backgrounds    !!!??!(?M@88888NMMMMMMMMMMMMMHMMMMMMMMMHxx:<:::<::
      in the original,      !<!!!?!<MMM888888NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM9MHMHM!x!?%!XX
      with exceptions.      nxxx:?x!t?MMN888888N8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?H?HXX!!tHHM

   o  Use an image that is tightly                       Kitten GIF conversion
      cropped, without a lot of waste.                       by The Scarecrow.

   o  Be prepared to quickly run through a series of conversions.  You will
      probably not like the majority of conversions you get.  Be prepared to
      discard 9 to 11 out of 12.

   o  It helps to do touch-up work on the converted picture.  Most pics I have
      posted have been touched-up.  Concentrate on the focal points and
      important areas of the picture.

   Send any gray scale conversion techniques you know to: boba_wwa_com

    _   ___                                                             O
   / | ( _ )    ___________________________________________________  ._/|\
   | | / _ \                                                            |
   !_! \___/    What do those filename extensions mean?               _/_\

   A file may have some of the following elements in its name:

         |     |   |    |  |  |
         |     |   |    |  |  |___ May be "uu" or "uue" for uuencode,
         |     |   |    |  |       may also be "xx" or "xxe" for xxencode.
         |     |   |    |  |
         |     |   |    |  |___ For Unix Compress, may also be .gz for Gzip.
         |     |   |    |       May also be .zip, which may cantain more than
         |     |   |    |       one file, and needs to be 'unzipped'.
         |     |   |    |
         |     |   |    |___ Tape ARchive format, may contain more than one
         |     |   |         file.  Needs to be 'untarred'.
         |     |   |
         |     |   |___ ANSI usually implies the file is a color image.
         |     |
         |     |___ As in VT terminal (such as VT-100 terminal emulation).
         |          VT usally implies the file is an animation.
         |___ File name (a file my have a different name after uudecoding).

   For further information, on how to save, uncompress, untar, unzip, and view
files, see Questions 20 and 21.

                                                                     "\   /"
    _   ___                                                            \O/
   / | / _ \    ___________________________________________________     |
   | | \_, /                                                            |
   !_!  /_/     What is 'uuencoding'?                                 _/ \_

   Color graphics and animations must be processed to change the control codes
to regular printable ASCII characters before they can be sent as text (which
any information service can handle).  This processing is called 'uuencoding'.

   The file is processed back again after it is received.  This is called
'uudecoding'.  See Question 20 on how to save and 'uudecode' a file, and
Question 21 on how to view animations and color images.

   You may have seen uuencoded posts from time to time, or have had them
emailed to you.  A uuencoded file may look like:

   begin line   permission mode   file name to be given to decoded file
       |                  |        |
       |                  |        |
       |__________ begin 644 filename
   Many lines      M;2XN+BXN+R\N+B\O+BXN+BXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXO+RXN+B\ON+B\O+BXN
   of encoded ____ M"AM;-#LV2"`@("`@+R`@7`H;6S$[,3%("AM;,CLQ,4@@("`@<("\*&ULS
   information     C+RXN+R\N+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+R\O+RXN+BX;6S`[;0HN
   end line ______ end
    ___   __                                                           \Q
   !_  ) /  \    __________________________________________________     |\
    / / | () |                                                          |/
   /___! \__/    How do I save, 'uudecode' and uncompress a file?     _/ \_

   Type the name of the file where I have "filename".  On a Unix system, the
process is usually as easy as:

   To save a file:

   In most newsreaders, you:

   o  Type: s filename (or a full pathname)

   In Elm:

   o  Type: s

      You'll get a "save file to" prompt.

   o  Type: filename (or a full pathname)

   In Pine:

   o  Type: s

      You'll be asked for a folder name.  Pine's 'folder' is a text file.

   o  Type: filename (or a full pathname)

   To uudecode a file:

   o  Type: uudecode filename

      This may change the resulting file's name.

   To uncompress a file:

   For a .Z (Unix compress) file:

   o  Type: uncompress filename

   For a .gz (GZip) file:

   o  Type: gunzip filename

   Sometimes a number of files will come packed together in a .zip or .tar
file.  You need to unzip or untar it.  You will end up with a number of files.

   For a .zip file:

   o  Type: unzip filename

   For a .tar file:

   o  Type: tar -xvf filename

   To just read the contents of a .tar file:

   o  Type: tar -tvf filename

   o  On a DOS machine, to uncompress a .Z file, you'll need comp430d from:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/msdos/compress

   To uuencode a file, use the following syntax at the prompt:

      uuencode filename filename > filename
         |        |        |     |    |
         |        |        |     |    |___ The name of the file that will be
         |        |        |     |         written to your disk so as to not
         |        |        |     |         overwrite the original file.
         |        |        |     |
         |        |        |     |___ Tells the system to write the resulting
         |        |        |          uuencoded file to the name following it.
         |        |        |
         |        |        |___ The name to be put on the 'begin' line of the
         |        |             resulting uuencoded file.  This name will
         |        |             be given to the file when it is uudecoded.
         |        |
         |        |___ The file you want to uuencode.
         |___ The uuencode command.

   To compress a file:

   For Unix compress:

   o  Type: compress filename

   For Gzip:

   o  Type: gzip filename

   To zip compress a number of files into one .zip file, use the following
syntax at the prompt:

      zip filename1 filename2 filename3
       |        |          |_________|_________|
       |        |                    |
       |        |                    |___ Files to be zipped,
       |        |                         can be any number.
       |        |
       |        |___ Name for resulting .zip file.
       |___ Command.

   For info on viewing animations and color images, see Question 21.

                                                                      \   /
    ___   _                                                            \O/
   !_  ) / |     __________________________________________________     |
    / /  | |                                                            |
   /___! !_!     How do I view animations and color images?           _/ \_

   Type the name of the file where I have "filename".  On a Unix system, the
process is usually as easy as:

   To view an animation or color pic:

   o  Type: cat filename

   You can view a compressed file without decompressing it.

   To view a .Z compressed file:

   o  Type: zcat filename

   To view a .gz compressed file:

   o  Type: gzcat filename

   To slow down an animation:

   o  Type: cat -u filename

   Note: if you're modeming into your host, the speed of your connection will
effect the speed of the animation.  At 28.8 K, the animation may go to
quickly, while at 2400 or lower, it may go too slowly.  Host system speed and
terminal speed also affect animation speed.  To view color, you need a color
screen and ANSI color capable software.

   There are also programs to slow animations.  They are:

      vtcat - An alternative to type(msdos) cat(UNIX).  This program
              will display your animations at the speed you like.

    delayvt - Inserts delays into an animation file so that
              the animation itself becomes slower.

   revdelay - This UNDO's the delays added by 'delayvt' so that
              you get the original animation as written by the author.

   The C source code, plus PC executables are available from:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/local/n1ka0/animation/progs/utils

   If you have uudecoded and decompressed a file and downloaded it, you need
to do the following:

   o  On your PC: You have to type "type filename" and press the return to
      view.  You have to be sure there is a line reading:

      You should probably also convert these files to DOS-ASCII.  Do this with
      a CR/LF converter (FLIP.EXE from FLIP1EXE.ZIP).  Be sure to use the
      binary option because of the escape codes.

   o  On your Amiga: Open a large Cli/Shell and type "type filename" and press
      return to view.

    ___  ___                                                         /\Q
   !_  )!_  )   __________________________________________________     |\/
    / /  / /                                                           |
   /___!/___!   How do I put an animation in my plan?                _/ \_

   On most Unix systems:

   o  Name the file you want to be used as: .plan

   o  Put it in the top level of your home folder.

   o  Make your home folder 'world readable' by typing: chmod 711 .

   o  Make your plan world readable by typing: chmod 644 .plan

   It does not work with all finger commands.  Many systems will munch
anything except CR and LF.  To test your 'planimation', finger your account
with your full address, not just your login.  For example, type "finger
foo_bar_edu" and not "finger foo".

   Putting an animation in your plan is not universally recommended.

    ___  ____                                                           O  ,
   !_  )!__ /    __________________________________________________     |\/
    / /  !_ \                                                           |
   /___!!___/    How do I make a sig?                                  /_\_

   There are no rules for making sigs.  Most sigs contain items like:

   o  Name.
   o  Nickname.
   o  Email addresss.
   o  ASCII art pics.
   o  Borders.
   o  Work and school names.
   o  Disclaimer.
   o  Mail addresses.
   o  Phone, fax, and pager numbers, PINs.
   o  Quotes and jokes from the poster and other people.
   o  Info about the poster's .plan, PGP key, FTP site, WWW home page.

   You might simply 'Figletize' your name, pop in your addy and a pic, and
presto, instant sig:

       |     'Go Johnny Go'       ||      ___|    johnsmith_foo_bar_edu
       |         |                ||     /                  _)  |    |
       |   _     __     __       \||/     __      __ `__     |  __|  __
   \   |  (   |  |   |  |   |    /()\          |  |   |   |  |  |    |   |
   ___/   ___/  _|  _| _|  _|    \__/    _____/  _|  _|  _| _|  __| _|  _|

   Here is the same sig with more information and a border:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*                                                                           *
* School: University of Silicon Valley, math major - Job: Al's Shipping Co. *
* I speak for myself not for Silicon Valley University or Al's Shipping Co. *
*                                 /|                                        *
*      |     'Go Johnny Go'       ||        ___|       G O   S V U !        *
*      |         |                ||       /                 _)  |    |     *
*      |   _     __     __       \||/       __      __ `__    |  __|  __    *
*  \   |  (   |  |   |  |   |    /()\           |  |   |   |  |  |    |   | *
*  ___/   ___/  _|  _| _|  _|    \__/     _____/  _|  _|  _| _|  __| _|  _| *
*                                                                           *
* InterNet Email Addresses: jsmith_foo_bar_svu_edu - jsmith_al_shipping_com *
* WWW: - FTP: *
* Mail: John Howard Smith - 12346 Foobar Avenue - Silicon Valley, CA  90000 *
* Phone: 555.555.1212 - Fax: 555.555.1213 - Page: 555.555.1214; PIN: 143847 *
* "Life is like spaghetti." Finger my account for the reasons, and for PGP. *
*                                                                           *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

   Notice how busy a sig can get.  Think carefully about what is really
important, how much of it you really want to include, and how you want it
laid out.  The little sig is 5 lines and 367 characters.  The ego-billboard is
18 lines and 1404 characters.  Over three times the size.

   If you're going to have your sig automatically included in your posts and
email, remember that some systems only allow up to 4 lines in the sig.  For
info on how to have your sig automatically included, see Question 24.

   If you want to use a larger sig on systems that only allow 4 lines, you
will have to insert it manually.  On most Unix based systems:

   o  Using pico editor, press control-r when you want to insert the sig,
      and then type the name (or full pathname) of the file to be inserted.

   o  Using vi, ex, ed, the command is ":r <filename>"

   o  Using emacs, it is control-x control-r <filename>

   Speaking of sig length, there is a rule of thumb of 4 to 6 lines.  Try
to keep sigs around this length for posts, reserving the long ones for email,
and post to the ASCII art groups, where it's expected.

    ___  _ _                                                           \Q
   !_  )| | !_   __________________________________________________     |\
    / / !_   _!  How do I have my sig                                   |/
   /___!  !_!    automatically added to my posts and email?           _/ \_

   On a Unix system, the process is usually as easy as:

   For posts:

   If you are using most newsreaders:

   o  Name the file you want to be used as ".signature"

   o  Put it in the top level of your home folder.

      Your news software should pick it up.  Note: some systems are set up to
      allow only four lines in a posted sig.

   If you are using tin:

   o  Make a folder in the top level of your home folder called ".Sig".

   o  Fill it with sigs.

      The files in that folder will be used randomly by tin when selecting a
      sig for your post.  You can call the folder something other than ".Sig",
      but you must change the 'signature path' line in your tinrc in your .tin

   To have a file included above your random sig:

   o  Make a file in the top level of your home folder called ".sigfixed".

   For email:

   o  Name the file you want to be used as ".signature"

   o  Put it in the top level of your home folder.

   If you have done this for the above use in news posts, you need to, in
additon, do one of the following:

   If you're using Elm for your email, and elm doesn't pick up your sig:

   o  You need to put the following in ypur elmrc:

      localsignature = ~/.signature
      remotesignature = ~/.signature

   If you don't have an elmrc yet:

   o  Open Elm

   o  Press the 'o' key to get to the options screen.

   o  Press the '>' to save your configuration.

   o  Press 'i' to go back to the index.

   o  Quit.

      This will create the elmrc file in the .elm folder.

   If you're using Pine (with Pico) for your email:

   o  Place the following in your .pinerc file:


   If you're using vm (in emacs) for your email:

   o  Place the following in your .emacs file:

      (setq mail-signature t)

|                                                                            |
|             S I G   L E N G T H   I N   P O S T S   &   E M A I L          |
|                                                                            |
|   Note about sig usage: Try to use short sigs for posts to newsgroups.     |
|   If you have any long sigs, try to only use them for email and posts to   |
|   the ASCII art groups.                                                    |
    ___  ___                                                           \Q  ,
   !_  )| __!    __________________________________________________     |\/
    / / !__ \                                                           |
   /___!!___/    What should I know about posting ASCII Art?          _/ \_

   You can post any of the following types of ASCII art to rec.arts.ascii or
alt.ascii-art or groups:

   o  All forms of ASCII art including:
      -  Standard ASCII art (line pics, 3-D, oversize printer art, GIFs, etc).
      -  Non-standard ASCII art (animations, color pics, color animations).

   o  Discussion about pieces of art.

   o  Requests for specific pieces of art, and their fulfillment.

   o  Questions and answers covering:
      -  Creating and viewing ASCII art.
      -  Locating FTP sites for ASCII art and related files.

   o  Discussion about artists in the field.

   Animations can also be posted to alt.ascii-art.animation.  3-D art can also
be posted to alt.3d.

   If you are having trouble posting to newsgroups because of system problems
or limitations, you can email your article to boba_wwa_com and it will be
posted.  The subject line of the email message will be the subject line of the

   If you want to make sure I know it's a post, put a short note at the top of
the message.  I will delete the note and post the article.  While it's not
necessary, it helps if you put an organization line at the top of the message
(email software does not do that automatically like news software does).

   To make it easier for everybody, please put one of the following Subject
IDs at the beginning of the subject line of your post:

     Line - Standard ASCII line art.  Line pictures and large lettering.
      GIF - Gray scale image.
Animation - Animation.  Usually uuencoded.
    Color - ANSI Color image.  Usually uuencoded.
      3-D - Three dimensional art.
     Font - Alphabets and Figlet fonts.
   Binary - Binaries (software like Figlet and Gifscii).  Usually uuencoded.
      Big - Wider than 80 columns and-or longer than 24 lines).

   Repost - Repost of a previously posted pic, not new art.
  Request - Request for a picture, Figletized name, sig, etc.

     Talk - General discussion, no pics included.
 Question - A question concerning any of the ASCII art topics.
   Answer - An answer to a question asked by a poster.
     Info - Web URLs, email addresses, Gopher and FTP sites, font lists, etc.
 Announce - Announcements of events, new sites, Web pagse, etc.

      FAQ - Used for the weekly posting of Frequently Asked Questions

   If you are following up a post, please change the Subject ID to reflect the
contents of the post.  This way if you are fulfilling a request, change:

   Request: Marilyn Monroe
   GIF: Marilyn Monroe

   This allows readers the option of reading the group in a newsreader's
selector, sorted by articles.  They can then read only what is of interest to
them, trusting the IDs to accurately identify the contents.  Some people do
not have the time (or money if they are paying by the hour or byte) to read
everything in every group they like.

   Here are some guidelines:

   Posting to the ASCII groups:

   o  If someone requests a picture only days after it has been posted, and
      you would like to fill that request, please email the picture to the
      person requesting it.  It's better than reposting so soon.

   o  Try to eliminate unnecessary blank space to the left of the pic, and
      trailing space to the right.  This reduces waste.

   o  If you're posting a collection of pics, try to keep each pic on its own
      lines (and separated from other pics by a couple of lines).

   o  Replace tabs with spaces.  Otherwise tab damage can occur.

   When following up an article:

   o  Read all the articles in a thread before posting.  Most newsreaders will
      let you re-read news you've already seen.

   o  Decide whether it's better to post or email your message.

   o  Check the attributions.

   o  Try to keep quoted materials to a minimum.

   o  Summarize where possible.

   o  Change the Subject ID to reflect the contents of the post.

   Most general guidelines for posting apply here too:

   o  Try to stay on topic (ASCII art).  It's easy to get sidetracked
      into other things, especially when a cross-posted thread gets going.

   o  If you disagree with somebody, disagree with what they have said, but
      don't flame them.

   o  Ask permission before quoting somebody's email message.

   o  Type your post in upper-and-lower case.  ALL UPPER CASE IS HARD TO READ.

   o  Cross-post an article instead of posting it separately to many
      newsgroups.  You cross-post by adding group names to the "Newsgroups:"
      line in the header (if you are using the editor in a newsreader).  Or by
      typing names when prompted in "Pnews".

      When you cross-post, only one copy is sent around.  And only one copy is
      kept on each machine.  And as a reader, you only see the cross-posted
      article once, no matter how many groups it was cross-posted to.

   If you're a new reader:

   o  Read the ASCII groups for a week or two to familiarize yourself with
      them before posting.

   If you're a new user:

   o  Familiarize yourself with newsgroups, their customs, terminology and
      abbreviations.  Check out the guidelines, posted in the newsgroups
      news.announce.newusers and news.newusers.questions.

   One exception to the usual rules is the use of sigs.  Because the groups
rec.arts.ascii, alt.ascii-art and are about ASCII
art, it is within the scope of these groups to post longer sigs.

   Be an Art Detective.

   Let's say you're reading another group, say, rec.nonsense, and while
reading the posts, you see a pic or sig.  You would like an easy way to show
it to us on rec.arts.ascii, without saving it, quiting from rec.nonsense,
going to rec.arts.ascii, starting a post, inserting the pic or sig, quiting
your newsreader, deleting it, etc.

   It's easy to be an Art Detective.  While in the original newsgroup:

   o  Follow-up the article, making sure it is quoted.

   o  Replace any newsgroups named in the "Newsgroups:" with "rec.arts.ascii".

   o  Delete all extraneous materials from the post, leaving the pic or sig.

   o  Add any commentary you think appropriate.

   o  Send it.

    ___  __                                                             O/
   !_  )/ /_     __________________________________________________   \/|
    / /|  _ \                                                           |/\_
   /___!\___/    Where is the FAQ available?                          _/

   Tha FAQ is available from newsgroups, FTP, Gopher, WWW, email, finger:

   o  Newsgroups:

      -  rec.arts.ascii

      -  alt.ascii-art


      -  alt.ascii-art.animation


      -  news.answers

      -  alt.answers

      -  rec.answers

      -  comp.answers

   o  FTP Sites:

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/Scarecrow
       File: FAQ

   ->  Host:
       Path: usenet/news.answers
       File: ascii-art-faq.Z

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/usenet-by-group/rec.arts.ascii
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/usenet/news.answers
       File: ascii-art-faq

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/usenet/news.answers/rec.arts.ascii
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/usenet/rec.arts.ascii
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/NEWS.ANSWERS
       File: ascii-art-faq

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/newsarchive/news.answers
       File: ascii-art-faq.Z

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/doc/rtfm/rec.arts.ascii
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K).gz

   ->  Host:
       Path: USENET/FAQ/rec/arts/ascii
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K).gz

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/comp/usenet/news.answers
       File: ascii-art-faq

   ->  Host:
       Path: pub/usenet/news.answers
       File: ascii-art-faq

   ->  Host:
       Path: doc/FAQ
       File: FAQ_-_ASCII_Art_Questions_&_Answers_(*.*_-_*_K)

   o  Gopher Servers:

   ->  Hast:
 Menu Items: 3, 3

   ->  Hast:
 Menu Items: 10, 12, 1

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 37, 30, 647, 3

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 12, 8, 4, 647, 3

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 3, 3, 858

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 7, 1, 20, 14, 62

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 8, 6, 3, 4, 20, 53

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 7, 1, 20, 14, 62

   ->  Host:
 Menu Items: 12, 4, 10, 5, 703, 3

   o  World Wide Web:

             Scarecrow's WWW Link
    ->  URL:
     Select: ASCII ART FAQ (posted text version)
     Select: ASCII Art Resources (this file)
     Select: ASCII Art Reference (Web version with links to everything)

    ->  URL:

    ->  URL:

   o  FTP Mail Servers:

->  Address: ftp-mail_uni-paderborn_de
    Message: help

->  Address: mail-server_cs_ruu_nl
    Message: help

->  Address: archive-server_Germany_EU_net
    Message: help

->  Address: ftpmail_ftp_edu_tw
    Message: help

->  Address: ftp-mailer_informatik_tu-muenchen_de
    Message: help

   o  Email:

->  Address: boba_wwa_com
    Subject: REQUEST FAQ

   o  Finger by typing the following at a prompt on mony sites:

       finger asciifaq_wwa_com (turn on text capture first)
       finger asciifaq_wwa_com | more (you can read it a page at a time)
       finger asciifaq_wwa_com > faq (saves it to a file called 'faq')
                                                                      \   /
    ___  ____                                                          \O/
   !_  )|__  !   __________________________________________________     |
    / /   / /                                                        _/\|/\_
   /___! /_/     Who made this file?

   It is made by your old friend, the Scarecrow.  Materials for the ASCII ART
FAQ, ASCII Art Resources and ASCII Art Reference (the Web version) were
gratefully received from the following nice people:

                               JORN BARGER
  ___________________        ROWAN CRAWFORD
 /        \ /        \      NORMAND VEILLEUX
|  That's aXl folks!  |        GLEN A MILLER
|         / \         |        JUDY ANDERSON
|       not all       |      MICHAEL A GODIN
 \_______________   _/     STEVEN M SULLIVAN
                 \ |           LARS ARONSSON
                  \|           CHRIS PIRILLO
                   \               CHEVALIER
                                 Q ALEX ZHAO
                                 DOV SHERMAN
                                  GREG GULIK
                                      M J
                                     A RICH
                                    C. GROOM
                                   MATT RYAN
                                   FELIX LEE
                                  DAVE VRONA
                                  PAUL KLINE
                                 JOHN PAYSON
                                 TONY NUGENT
                                 R L SAMUELL
                                 DANNI BAUER
                                 NICK RUSNOV
                                 DON BERTINO
                                CHRIS SEARLE
                                ANGUS CREECH
                                TODD D. HALE
                                PAUL FAWCETT
                                MATT MESSINA
                                SUSIE OVIATT
                                RICHARD KIRK
                               JAMIE T DORAN
                               TAMMINEN EERO
                               SIMON BRADLEY
                               PAUL FOERSTER
                               RIC HOTCHKISS
                               WINSTON SMITH
                               O'NEIL PARKER
                               LENNERT STOCK
                               GLENN CHAPPELL
                               DANIEL HOLDREN
                               DAVID CONNELLY
                               OTTO J. MAKELA
                              JOEL ROTHSCHILD
                              BENJAMIN THOMAS
                              BRIAN DEVENDORF
                              EVAN M CORCORAN
                              ANTHONY THYSSEN
                             COLIN DOUTHWAITE
                             MEINDERT DE JONG
                             MATT E. THURSTON
                             CHRISTOPHER KING
                            JONATHAN PETERSON
                            RUDRIK GREYSHADOW
                        BRYAN PHILIP PACKWOOD


       ______  __   __   ___    __  __   _____   _       ______    _____
      |  ____! \ \ / /  / _ \  |  \/  | |  __ \ | |     |  ____!  / ____! O
      | !__     \ Y /  | !_! | | \  / | | !__) || |     | !__    | (___ \/|
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  _/\|!______! /_/ \_\ !_! !_! !_!  !_! !_!     !______!!______! !_____/_\_\

   Figlet Fonts (fonts by various artists, examples from Glenn Chappell and
The Scarecrow):

###          #       #  ### ###
 #  ###  ## ###     ##    #   #
 #  ##   #   #       #  ###  ##
 #  ### ##   ##      #  #     #
 #                  ### ### ###

____o__ __o____                      o         __o       __o         o__ __o
 /   \   /   \                      <|>        __|>    o/  v\       /v     v\
      \o/                           < >          |    /|    <\     />       <\
       |      o__  __o       __o__   |          <o>   //    o/              o/
      < >    /v      |>     />  \    o__/_       |         /v             _<|
       |    />      //      \o       |          < >       />                 \
       o    \o    o/         v\      |           |      o/        \          /
      <|     v\  /v __o       <\     o           o     /v           o       o
      / \     <\/> __/>  _\o__</     <\__      __|>_  /> __o__/_    <\__ __/>

  ::::::::::: :::::::::: :::::::: :::::::::::      :::    ::::::::   ::::::::
     :+:     :+:       :+:    :+:    :+:        :+:+:   :+:    :+: :+:    :+:
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alligator2 & alligator3
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banner & banner2
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 :::==== :::      :::     :::====      ::: ::   ===     ===
   ===   ======    =====    ===        ===    ====   =====
   ===   ===          ===   ===        ===  ===         ===
   ===   ======== ======    ===        === ======== ======

  __                      _    __   __
 /|            /         /|   /  )    |
( |  ___  ___ (___      ( |  (  /  ___|
  | |___)|___ |           | )  / )    )
  | |__   __/ |__        _|/  /_/  __/

   Anti aliased font (by The Scarecrow):

  _mm_   _am,   _am,   _g_ag,  _am,   _am,  _g_ag,  _am,   ,g,   g,   g
 qK. " ,gF  @._gF  @  ^ NX  #_gF ,@ ,gF  @,^ NX  #vgF  @_-dg#   g#   A@
  *b,  0Y     0Y   d   dY    0bw*"  0Y      dY    0Y   d  j#  _j#  _d#
,  dN.jK   , jK  ,N" ,jF    jK   , jK   ,  jF    jK  ,Z  jN _*jN _*jN",'
*h,W"  N#pP   N#pY"W^ F      N#pP   N#pP   F      N#pP   N#^  N#^  NW^

   Hand lettering (by Lennert Stock):

          _____             _____            _____
         /\    \           /\    \          /\    \
        /::\    \         /XX\    \        /%%\    \
       /::::\    \       /XXXX\    \      /%%%%\    \      _____      _____
      /::::::\    \     /XXXXXX\    \    /%%%%%%\    \    /\    \    /\    \
     /:::/\:::\    \   /XXX/\XXX\    \  /%%%/\%%%\    \  /..\    \  /;;\    \
    /:::/__\:::\    \ /XXX/__\XXX\    \/%%%/  \%%%\    \ \...\    \ \;;;\    \
   /::::\   \:::\    \\XXX\   \XXX\    \%%/    \%%%\    \/....\____\/;;;;\____\
  /::::::\   \:::\    \\XXX\   \XXX\    \/    / \%%%\    \..../    /;;;;;/    /
 /:::/\:::\   \:::\    \\XXX\   \XXX\    \   /   \%%%\    \/\/____/;;;/\/____/
/:::/  \:::\   \:::\____\\XXX\   \XXX\____\_/     \%%%\____\   / /;;;/    /
\::/    \:::\  /:::/    / \XXX\   \XX/    / \      \%%/    /  /_/;;;/    /
 \/____/ \:::\/:::/    /   \XXX\   \/____/   \    /\\/____/  /\/;;;/    /
          \::::::/    /X\   \XXX\    \%%%\    \  /...../    /;;;;;/    /
           \::::/    /XXX\   \XXX\____\%%%\    \ \..../____/\;;;;/____/
           /:::/    / \XXX\  /XXX/    /\%%%\    \ \...\____\ \;;;\____\
        . /:::/    /   \XXX\/XXX/    /  \%%%\ . .\ \../    /  \;;/    /
     .   /:::/    /.    \XXXXXX/    /    \%.%\    \ \/____/    \/____/
 . .    /:::/    /   .   \XXXX/    /     .\%%%\____\.   .
        \::/    /     .   \XX/    /   .    \%%/    /      .
         \/____/           \/____/          \/____/        _
                       .            .                     (%)
                         .    .                            ~

   Hand lettering (by The Scarecrow):

 -:-:--  :--=-  =-==-=  =#=####  ######  ##=#= =##-=#-   ==-=--  -=-  -:-  -:-
::-:--: :--=-= -=-====# =#=##=## ###### ##=##= #=#==-#= -=-==--- =-:  --:  :-:
:-:     :--    =-=  =-= -==  =## ###    ##=    =#=  =-= ==-  =-- -=-  -:-  -::
:-::--  -:-    -=-==-== =#==###  #####  ###    #===#=-  -=-  -=- =-=  -:-  ::-
 ::-:-- -:-    --==--== ==####   #####  ##=    =#=#=-   ==-  --= -=-  --:  :-:
    :-- :--    -==  =-= #=# =##  ###    ###    #=# =-=  =--  -=- =-:  -:-  -::
::-::-- -:--=- =-=  -== =#=  ### ###### ##=#=# =#=  #=- ==--=--- -=--:--:-:-::
:::-:-   -:-== -=-  =-= =##  =## ######  ##=#= ##=  =#=  -==--=   =-=--:--:::

   Line art, an Australian critter (by Rowan Crawford):

              :     :
        __    |     |    _,_
       (  ~~^-l_____],.-~  /
        \    ")\ "^k. (_,-"
         `>._  ' _ `\  \
      _.-~/'^k. (0)  ` (0
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 Y         Y "~[    |
  \         \_.^--, [
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     ^.       :     l
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         l    l     I
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             ^.       ~"--.,_
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                              ^._  .^

   Line art, scales of justice (by Normand Veilleux):

            ,ggg,                   gg                   ,ggg,
           d8P""8b                ,d88b,                d8""Y8b
           / | \                  `WWWW'                  / | \
          /  |  \                 ,dMMb,                 /  |  \
         /   |   \                I8888I                /   |   \
        /    |    \               `Y88P'               /    |    \
       /     |     \               `YP'               /     |     \
      /      |      \               88               /      |      \
     /       |       \             i88i             /       |       \
    /        |        \            8888            /        |        \
"Y88888888888888888888888P"       i8888i       "Y88888888888888888888888P"
  `""Y888888888888888P""'        ,888888,        `""Y888888888888888P""'

   Line Composite (by The Scarecrow, art by various artists):

    .......::::::::::::)..           .......................(::::::........
       .:::::;;;;;;;;):::::::.... .           .......:::::::::::::<......
           <  >>>                   ,.
   .::..  ;   I;L\  /L\.  ..::..   /iL.           |         ..::::::::::::..
         ;    II;L\/LLLL;         / I;L\    \     |     / /\_
              II;..LLLLLL\    _._/ I;:.L\     \   |   / _/J; \
       :     IIIIi;..LLLLL\__/   IIII:..L\____  \###/  /JJI:  \
     ,;     ILIi;;;:...:LLL;\      IIIII;.LLLLL\#####/JJ II;   \
    ;     I LLii;;;.:.. :LLL;\     III;;;::LLLLL\###/JJ IIII;   \_
   :     IIILiii;;::.... :LLL;|      ;;I;;::.:LLLLLL:;IJ IIIII;:   \__
            IIIII IIii;;::;..;\          ;;:::...boba;IJIII;;    :::   \
 :    ;    IIIIIIIIIii;;::.;..      _==|      ;..  :;IJIII;:::    ::    \_
;    ;    ::::::::::::;;::..;  _==|   )__)  |                             \
  '  '"  "  ""'""'""  ""'"  '"    )_)  )___) ))  ""''"   ""'"  "'" "'"'"'  "'""
         '""   ""^^       ^~   )___) )____))_)   ~~         ""^^^""  '  "  "~"
 ' ^^            ^        _    )____)_____))__)\      ~^~~^           ^^"
      '^^          ^~      \---__|____/|___|___-\\--        "~"~         "~"
    ''    '^          ~"~   \   oo oo oo oo     /      ~"      '~       ""~"
          ____   ^^^"~  ~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^~^            ^~^^^
       /  o   \     ""'"  __          __ "'"''     '   ''~     ~""~"`    ""''
     < ____     \"'"    /    \   "' /    \       _          _    "~    _
           |     |     |  __  |    |  __  |    /   \      /   \       / |
     '''   |_____|  '  |__||__| '' |__||__| ' |_____| '' |_____| ""  /_/
          '''     ~^^^^      '"""^^'''''^        '''''''""        '''''^^""
    ''          '^^          ~boba~         ~^ '      ~~      '  ^   ^^^^^^^^

   Line art with hand lettering and modified Figlet fonts, of a sevrer screen
(by The Scarecrow):

  ._________________.              __  ___        __             _          __
  | _______________ |     ()      /  |/  /__ ____/ /  ___ _.__  (_)___.__ _/ /
  | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |    _||_    / /|_/ / -_) __/ _ \/ _ `/ _ \/ / __/ _ `/ /
  | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |   /    \  /_/  /_/\__/\__/_//_/\_n_/_//_/_/\__/\_n_/_/
  | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |  |      |   ____          _                  _
  | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |   \    /   / __/__  ___ _(_)__  ___ ___ ____(_)__  ___ _
  | LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL |   //  \\  / _// _ \/ _ `/ / _ \/ -_) -_) __/ / _ \/ _ `/
  !_________________!  //    \\/___/_//_/\_, /_/_//_/\__/\__/_/ /_/_//_/\_, /
     ._[_______]_.    //      \\        /___/    ____           __     /___/
 .___|___________|___//        \\               / __ \___ ___  / /_
 |_LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL-//---boba---\\-            / /_/ / -_) _ \/ __/
 | O       [______]//|-__        \\           /_____/\__/ .__/\__/
 !________________//_!   \__      \\                   /_/
    _____________//______   \__    \\       __. ._ ._ . . .   . __. ._ ._. .
   / # ### ### #//## --- \     \    \\      /  /_ /  /_/ /\  /  /  /  /_/ /
  / ###########//#### ### \    /     \\    /  /_ /_ / / /  \/ _/_ /_ / / /__
 / ###########/####### ### \  /\   .  .\.   . __. . . ._ ._. ._. __. __.. .
/ ### #######/##### ### ### \(__) /  / /\  /  /  / / /_ /_/ /_.  /   /  |/
|___________/_______________|    /__/ /  \/ _/_ //  /_ / \ __/ _/_  /   /
           /                              \

   Group effort line art, a picture of Winnie the Pooh (from Sandy Morton):

    _    _        .
   (_`,_' )       .     Full Credits (and I do mean full)
    )    `\       .
   /    ', |      .            Original: Brad Littlejohn
   |       `,     .          Reduced By: Scarecrow
    \,_  `-/      .         Smoothed By: Margriet Verlinden
    ,&&&&&V       .                      Danny Havenith
   ,&&&&&&&&:     .     Shrunk Again By: Sandy Morton
  ,&&&&&&&&&&;    .            Edits By: Greg Lincicome
  |  |&&&&&&&|    .                      Normand Veilleux
  |  |       :\   .                      Felix Lee
  |  |       ; \  .     Edit Merging By: Sandy Morton
  `--'   `, /`-'  .
    /`.    \      .
   /   /\  _\     .  (and I really hope I didn't leave anyone out)
   \   \ \/  \    .
    \__'  \__/    .

   Line art, perspective image (by Felix Lee):

88.._|      | `-.  | `.  -_-_ _-_  _-  _- -_ -  .'|   |.'|     |  _..88
88   `-.._  |    |`!  |`.  -_ -__ -_ _- _-_-  .'  |.;'   |   _.!-'|  88
88      | `-!._  |  `;!  ;. _______________ ,'| .-' |   _!.i'     |  88
88..__  |     |`-!._ | `.| |_______________||."'|  _!.;'   |     _|..88
88   |``"..__ |    |`";.| i|_|MMMMMMMMMMM|_|'| _!-|   |   _|..-|'    88
88   |      |``--..|_ | `;!|l|MMoMMMMoMMM|1|.'j   |_..!-'|     |     88
88   |      |    |   |`-,!_|_|MMMMP'YMMMM|_||.!-;'  |    |     |     88
88___|______|____!.,.!,.!,!|d|MMMo * loMM|p|,!,.!.,.!..__|_____|_____88
88      |     |    |  |  | |_|MMMMb,dMMMM|_|| |   |   |    |      |  88
88      |     |    |..!-;'i|r|MPYMoMMMMoM|r| |`-..|   |    |      |  88
88      |    _!.-j'  | _!,"|_|M<>MMMMoMMM|_||!._|  `i-!.._ |      |  88
88     _!.-'|    | _."|  !;|1|MbdMMoMMMMM|l|`.| `-._|    |``-.._  |  88
88..-i'     |  _.''|  !-| !|_|MMMoMMMMoMM|_|.|`-. | ``._ |     |``"..88
88   |      |.|    |.|  !| |u|MoMMMMoMMMM|n||`. |`!   | `".    |     88
88   |  _.-'  |  .'  |.' |/|_|MMMMoMMMMoM|_|! |`!  `,.|    |-._|     88
88  _!"'|     !.'|  .'| .'|[@]MMMMMMMMMMM[@] \|  `. | `._  |   `-._  88
88-'    |   .'   |.|  |/| /                 \|`.  |`!    |.|      |`-88
88      |_.'|   .' | .' |/                   \  \ |  `.  | `._    |  88
88     .'   | .'   |/|  /                     \ |`!   |`.|    `.  |  88
88  _.'     !'|   .' | /                       \|  `  |  `.    |`.|  88
88 vanishing point 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888(FL)888

   Line art, a picture of 'Bob' (from Jorn Barger):

|@@@@@@^     ~^  @  @@ @ @ @ I  ~^@@@@@@|
|@@@@@            ~ ~~ ~I          @@@@@|
|@@@@'                  '  _,w@<    @@@@|
|@@@@     @@@@@@@@w___,w@@@@@@@@  @  @@@|
|@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  I  @@@|
|@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*@[ i  @@@|
|@@@@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[][ | ]@@@|
|@@@@     ~_,,_ ~@@@@@@@~ ____~ @    @@@|
|@@@@    _~ ,  ,  `@@@~  _  _`@ ]L  J@@@|
|@@@@  , @@w@ww+   @@@ww``,,@w@ ][  @@@@|
|@@@@,  @@@@www@@@ @@@@@@@ww@@@@@[  @@@@|
|@@@@@_|| @@@@@@P' @@P@@@@@@@@@@@[|c@@@@|
|@@@@@@w| '@@P~  P]@@@-~, ~Y@@^'],@@@@@@|
|@@@@@@@[   _        _J@@Tk     ]]@@@@@@|
|@@@@@@@@,@ @@, c,,,,,,,y ,w@@[ ,@@@@@@@|
|@@@@@@@@@ i @w   ====--_@@@@@  @@@@@@@@|
|@@@@@@@@@@`,P~ _ ~^^^^Y@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@|
|@@@@^^=^@@^   ^' ,ww,w@@@@@ _@@@@@@@@@@|
|@@@_xJ~ ~   ,    @@@@@@@P~_@@@@@@@@@@@@|
|@@   @,   ,@@@,_____   _,J@@@@@@@@@@@@@|
|@@L  `' ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|

   Gray scale art, a picture of King Tut (by Paul Fawcett):
   Should be viewed with light colored letters on dark background.

   ;;;;:      ==;;     :====    :+++=;;  ::;=i===+:    :=;;=+:   ,,,,:==+;
   =tt;;:      i+;      ++++    :ii=:      :::i++=     ==;;+:    :::=;+;    ,
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 ,i;    iIt:     t+=    :+=,,,,:::  ;,+;=;;: ;:,,;==;+=;+=   ::;;=i;  :  ;ii
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   VXY=   =Yi;   :t=+    it==+It;;  ;:+:=;:: :,;;=:=+==+   :;tYVY  :: =Iii
    tVYt   ;Yt,   i+=    +t+;=iI,;  ;:;:;;:= :i    :=;+   :;i+tt  : :Iti
      iYY:  :Yi,  :i+:   :t+;++i:;  ;,;,;;;= :t    +=+    ;i+ii :: =Y+
       =YY=  ;Vi   I++   :++=;==;;; +,=,,,,+ ;i;::;it,   :i+t=;;: +I+
         IX+  =V;  +i+=;;==;::,:::,,t,+,,,,;;iiii+iIiX=:=+ii;:;: iI+
          iXi =VItYIi=+======;;::;;ii;:,,,,,;iittiYV+XXttiit+,  Yt
           +=ttYVIi= ....,,,,+iIRWWWWWWWMBBRYI+....... +YMBYX==++
            ==+t: .;;===::,,:,,;=iIIItIIt=:,,:::===iii=;.,iXY+i;i
       ii+,  =itIItY==+tt+=+++;=ti;=;+M+i=;;=;=i+=it+tVti+==;.itI=  +=ii
      i:===iIttIii+,:,,  ,,:+++;t=t;V++;=;=;:,,  ,,:;+IYii+==;.+Y+Ii===:i
      ti iii=i;;,, ;i:    =i ,;.i=t=I=;Ri=, ,;    ,it: ,:.,==;;;i+=YYttt,
      iit :Y++IIIIi+;;,,,,,,:;:i+;I=i;=II=;:;;;;;;;;;+++tIt+ii;iII; iYi=
       t= iV+tYYYVYVt===;;;===ii+=ti+=+=iii+==+;=+=IYVXRitYYItYXtVt= :+=
       Yi XX+iYYYVYR+i+++===;tIti=i+ttit;;=+====+;=IRVRRXtIIYM+YYI+ ++=I
        t+iY:;iYYYYXRYi+++++Yt+iIt=+iItVXYYtIXBXYYVRWWWBXIi++=+=X+ ;It
        ti;I iYYYIYYVVRI++++i+ti++=:,;;++IX+YWWWMBWWWXYYi+++=;t:;IItY
                            (c) Paul Fawcett 1993

   Line art with gray scale image (Marilyn conversion by Paul Fawcett (from
Chris Pirillo), TV-VCR line drawing by The Scarecrow):

|                                                         |
|   ___________________________________________________   |
|  |,;,,   XBRRRBBBt,..:+t=+:..+RWWWWWMBBXVVVXXIiI:IVMM|  |
|  |              ,,;+tIIVXRBBRXVVIIi=,.=  iYYt+;,;iYRM|  |
|   """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   |
|                         B O B A                         |
| __________________________________    _________________ |
|| --- VHS ------------------------ |  |  --      -----  ||
||__________________________________|  |  4-2-94  12:05^ ||
| __________________________________   |_________________||
|| /\ | :: | << | >> |  > | o  | -- |   O   O   O   O   O |
| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   '''''''''''''''''''|

   Line (pics from Angus Creech, composite by The Scarecrow):

   _   "8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888""
  / `-..`88888888888888888888888888"' `"88888888888888888888888888"..
         `8888888888888888888"'            "888888888888888888888    `.
           888888888888888"'          /         "888888888888888'     `.
            ."888888888"""-..     `.,'      `._   ""88888888888'        :
     .._   /   "888""'       :\    `.          `. ..''  ""8888'        ,'
 ...''   `"\     `""--....    :\    |         .'          ,""         .'
            `._         .'\   ::\            .'       ._;'        ..'
               ``..     |  `.,'  |          |     _.-'        ..''  `.
                       .'    `:::::::::;''''':::-'           /       `.
                    _.'        \<<<<<<'  :<<</  `.._       .'          \
        _...<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:'   `:<<\_     `.    /             |
   _..<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:'     `:<<<::.   .:::::.         ..::..

<<<<<<<<<<<<<|# || || || ||  |<<<:'       `:<<<<<|# || || || ||  |<<<<<<<<<.._
<<<<<<<<<<<<<|# || || || ||  |:'          `:<<<<<|# || || || ||  |<<<<<<<<<<<<
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:::::::::::::::|:#:::      |             `"::::::::|:#::       |           `":
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::::::::: :: ::|:#:::      |       ...---..`:::::::|:#:        |
:::::::'. . .  |:#:::      |   .--'|-|-|-|-|`--.`::|:::        |
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:::            | :         |  |   |         |   | :|           |
               |           |  |   |_________|   |  |           |
_______________|           |__|.- '         ` -.|__|           |______________
 .  .... . ..  `.._______..'           ..   ...    `.._______..' .. .. ..... .

   Line art (by S.C.E.S.W.):

 ____  _____ ___________________________________________________ _____
|___  |    //       :-...__                       __...-:       \\    | | _ |
|     |   //        :  `.  ~~--._           _.--~~  .'  :        \\   | |/ \|
 ___  |  //          :  `..._    ~~-.___.-~~    _..,'  :          \\  |  ____
|___> | //           :   : `.~-._           _.-~.' :   :           \\ | |__
|  \  |//        ..-'    :  :..  ~-._   _.-~  ..:  :    `-..        \\| |____
  _    / `.__.--'       :   `. `._   ~~~   _.' ,`   :       `--.__.' \   ___
 / \  |      .`-......-'     :  `.~-._ _.-~.'  :     `-......-'.      | |___>

|---| |  __.'     `-..__ ..-'    :._  ~  _.:    `-.. __..-'     `.__  | |___>
|   | |.'  ~`.     .'   `-.._ ..' : `-.-' : `.. _..-'   `.     .'~  `.|
 ____ | '.    `..'~~`.    .' `-._'_;.   .;_`_.-' `.    .'~~`..'    .' |   |
/     |  '.    `.     `.'~-..-.'_'-..:-:..-`_`.-..-~`.'     .'    .'  |
\____ |   '.    `.     `,   `. `.`.;~ . ~;.',' ,'   ,'     .'    .'   |   b
_____ |    )     )      }    }  }  }}`.'{{  {  {    {      (     (    |   y
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  |   |  .'    .'     .'._.-`-' ~`-.;.-.;.-'~ `-'-._,`.     `.    `.  |
  _   | .'    .'`.__.'     ~`._   .`_.-._'.   _.'~     `.__,'`.    `. | S :
 / \  |.'   ..'      ~`-.      ~-.`~ _._ ~'.-~      .-'~      `..   `.|  C|/
|---| | `--~  ~`-._      `-.    : .-'   `-. :    .-'      _.-'~  ~--' | - E -
|   | |            ~-.      `. .`'  _..._  `'. .'      .-~            |  /|S
      |               `.     .' ..-'     `-.. `.     .'               |   : W
|      \                `-. .'-'             `-`. .-'                /
|____ |\\                 .'         ___         `.                 //|
      | \\                :      .--~   ~--.      :                // |

   Line art, with great tonal effect (from Jamie T Doran):

?????????????????????????????????????? . ######################################
?????????????????????????????????????  %  #####################################
????????????????????????????????????  %*:  ####################################
???????????????????????????????????  %#*?:  ###################################
?????????????????????????????????  ,%##*??:.  #################################
???????????????????????????????  ,%##*?*#*??:.  ###############################
?????????????????????????????  ,%###*??*##*???:.  #############################
???????????????????????????  ,%####*???*###*????:.  ###########################
?????????????????????????  ,%####**????*####**????:.  #########################
???????????????????????  ,%#####**?????*#####**?????:.  #######################
??????????????????????  %######**??????*######**??????:  ######################
?????????????????????  %######**???????*#######**??????:  #####################
????????????????????  %######***???????*#######***??????:  ####################
????????????????????  %######***???????*#######***??????:  ####################
????????????????????  %######***???????*#######***??????:  ####################
?????????????????????  %######**??????***######**??????:  #####################
??????????????????????  '%######****:^%*:^%****??????:'  ######################
????????????????????????   "%####*:'  %*:  '%*????:"   ########################
??????????????????????????           %#*?:           ##########################
?????????????????????????????????  ,%##*??:.  #################################
???????????????????????????????  .%###***???:.  ###############################
??????????????????????????????                   ##############################

   3-D art, numbers (by Michael A Godin):
   View by focusing your eyes as if you are trying to look at the back of the
montior.  A picture of how it should appear follows.

       X              X              X              X              X
       X              X              X              X              X

   Here's what you'll see.  The ASCII numbers (1,2,3,4,5,6)
refer to how far ``out'' the big numbers should appear.

                                      5555555555555 66666666666
                                   444555555555555566666   66666
                   3333333        444455555       66666
                3333333333333    4444455555       66666
           222233333     33333  44444455555       66666
         222222222        333334444444455555      66666
       22222  222222     33333444444444 555555    66666666666
  111122222     22222   333334444 44444   55555   6666666666666
 1111122222      22222 333334444  44444     55555 666666   66666
111111           22222333334444   44444      5555566666     6666
111111          22222333344444444444444       555566666     6666
 11111         222223333444444444444444        555566666   6666
 11111       22222   33333        444455555    555556666666666
 11111     22222       33333      4444455555   55555  666666
 11111   22222          33333     44444 5555555555
 11111  22222            33333    44444    55555
 11111 22222 33333       33333    44444
 1111122222   333333333333333     44444

   3-D art, a picture of boxes (by Benjamin B. Thomas):
   Here is another example of 3-D art.  To view, place your nose on the
monitor glass in the middle.

+------+       +------+       +------+       +------+       +------+
|`.     `.     |\      \      |      |      /      /|     .'     .'|
|  `+------+   | +------+     +------+     +------+ |   +------+'  |
|   |      |   | |      |     |      |     |      | |   |      |   |
+   |      |   + |      |     |      |     |      | +   |      |   +
 `. |      |    \|      |     |      |     |      |/    |      | .'
   `+------+     +------+     +------+     +------+     +------+'

   .+------+     +------+     +------+     +------+     +------+.
 .'      .'|    /      /|     |      |     |\      \    |`.      `.
+------+'  |   +------+ |     +------+     | +------+   |  `+------+
|      |   |   |      | |     |      |     | |      |   |   |      |
|      |   +   |      | +     |      |     + |      |   +   |      |
|      | .'    |      |/      |      |      \|      |    `. |      |
+------+'      +------+       +------+       +------+      `+------+

   The next two must be saved, uudecoded, and "cat'd" (Questions 20 and 21).

   ASCII animation of a stick figure gymnast (by unknown):

begin 644 gymnast

   Color art of one of my sigs (by The Scarecrow):

begin 644 colorsig

   Picture Story (pictures by various ortists, story and pictures combined by

                               (o o)
                                                _---|         _ _ _ _ _
                                             o   ---|     o   ]-I-I-I-[
                            _ _ _ _ _ _  _---|      | _---|    \ ` ' /
 A long, long time ago,     ]-I-I-I-I-[   ---|      |  ---|    |.   |
 in a very old castle, a     \ `   '_/       |     / \    |    | /^\|
 king was dealing with a big  [*]  __|       ^    / ^ \   ^    | |*||
 problem.  His daughter, the  |__   ,|      / \  /    `\ / \   | ===|
 most wonderful, sweet,    ___| ___ ,|__   /    /=_=_=_=\   \  |,  _|
 bright, gentle, coura-    I_I__I_I__I_I  (====(_________)___|_|____|____
 geous and beautiful mouse \-\--|-|--/-/  |     I  [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_|
 of the Kingdom -- was now  |[]      '|   | []  |`__  . [  \-\--|-|--/-/
 of age to be married,      |.   | |' |___|_____I___|___I___|---------|
 and the King wanted to    / \| []   .|_|-|_|-|-|_|-|_|-|_|-| []   [] |
 find the most perfect    <===>  |   .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|   |    / \
 and worthy husband for   ] []|`   [] ||.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.||-      <===>

 her.  He wanted to marry ] []| ` |   |/////////\\\\\\\\\\.||__.  | |[] [
 her to someone special,  <===>     ' ||||| |   |   | ||||.||  []   <===>
 to someone strong and     \T/  | |-- ||||| | O | O | ||||.|| . |'   \T/
 powerful.  In fact, he     |      . _||||| |   |   | ||||.|| |     | |
 decided he would marry  ../|' v . | .|||||/____|____\|||| /|. . | . ./
 her to the *MOST* power- |//\............/...........\........../../\\\
 ful being on Earth.

 At this time, my little one, you have to understand that a princess couldn't
 choose herself who she wanted to marry. This would cause many princesses to
 have a very sad life, and thankfully today, we can marry who we want! :)
 So the princess mouse was very sad, for she knew that she had to marry
 the one her father choses, and she loved secretly a prince-mouse that
 lived in another kingdom.

               .     .  |   .      /  -- Surely, said the king to himself one
          \   ...   ... |  ...   /     night he couldn't sleep because he was
         ...\...........|..... /......    thinking about all that, surely the
        ......\... *      *../............   SUN is the MOST *powerful* being
     .......... ______________*_____.........  in all the world! I shall meet
       ....... (____________________>...    him tomorrow and ask him to marry
 - - - - - - -         (o     o)  - - - - - - - -                my daughter.
          ....*             \   *.....
      .........        ,____~   ..........        The day after, he had a big
          ...../.*           .*......      breakfast, and then he climbed the
             / ......*    *..... \       tallest tower of his castle (the one
           / ........... ..........\      that scratches the heavens with its
         /  ... . ..... |........... \      weather-vane) and said to the Sun
       /    ..     ...  |  ...  ...    \             from the tallest window:
            .       .   |   .    .       \
                        |                          "Oh Sun, Sun! You that are
                        |       the most *powerful* being in the world! Would
 you marry my daughter,    who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle,
 courageous and beautiful mouse in the Kingdom?"
 "I would be glad to do so," responded the Sun, "but alas! I am not the most
 powerful being in the world... look, look in the sky! Do you see the cloud?
 When he comes in front of me, he blocks my rays and stop my warmth...
 they are surely more powerful than I!"

 The King was very persistent, and decided to keep his hopes high. The day
 after, after eating a hearty breakfast, he climbed the highest mountain in
 the Kingdom, and met with the cloud:

 "Oh Cloud, Cloud! You that are more         (             (          )
 powerful than the Sun, who is the most     (              (           )
 powerful being in all the world! Would you (            (             )
 marry my daughter, who is the most          (_         (             )
 wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle,             (         (          )
 courageous and beautiful mouse in the          ^^^/^^^^/^^^^^^^^^^^
 Kingdom?"                                        /    /__
                                                  \__    /
   ?                                                 /  /__
    \   ( )( )________                              /__   /
        /00           \      _                         /  /
       O_\\--mm---mm  /_______)                        / /

"I would be glad to do so," answered the Cloud, "but Alas! there is someone
 who is more powerful than I... look, look! Do you feel the wind? When he
 blows strongly, he pushes me far away and we can't do anything about it! He
 certainly would be the one worthy of your daughter."

 The king did not despair, and decided the next day, after a big, hearty
 breakfast, to meet with the Wind.

           .          .           .     .                .       .
  .      .      *           .       .          .                       .
                 .       .   . *        He traveled far, far away, to a land
  .       ____     .      . .       where only ice, mountains, cold and wind
         <WW>>>         .        .          live and play music all the time
 .   .  /WWWI; \  .       .    .  ____      between the    stars.    .
  *    /WWWWII; \=====;    .     /WI; \   *    .        /\_             .
  .   /WWWWWII;..      \_  . ___/WI;:. \     .        _/M; \    .   .         .
     /WWWWWIIIIi;..      \__/WWWIIII:.. \____ .   .  /MMI:  \   * .
 . _/WWWWWIIIi;;;:...:   ;\WWWWWWIIIII;.     \     /MMWII;   \    .  .     .
  /WWWWWIWIiii;;;.:.. :   ;\WWWWWIII;;;::     \___/MMWIIII;   \              .
 /WWWWWIIIIiii;;::.... :   ;|WWWWWWII;;::.:      :;IMWIIIII;:   \___     *
/WWWWWWWWWIIIIIWIIii;;::;..;\WWWWWWIII;;;:::...    ;IMIII;;     ::  \     .
WWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIii;;::..;..;\WWWWWWWWIIII;::; :::::::::.....::       \

 "Oh Wind, Wind! You that are more powerful than the cloud, who are more
 powerful than the Sun, who is the most powerful being in the whole world!
 Would you marry my daughter, who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle,
 courageous and beautiful mouse in the Kingdom?"
 "I would be glad to do so... but alas! I am not that powerful... when you
 will travel back to your land, you will surly see this old tower on the
 the castle of the neighboring Kingdom... for centuries and centuries
 I have vainly blown on him.. and never would he move! This old tower is
 surly more powerful than I."

 The King decided to go see this tower and ask him to marry his daughter,
 since it was right on his way back to home:

 "Oh tower, Tower! You who are more             |>>>
 powerful than the wind, who is more            |
 powerful than the cloud, who is more       _  _|_  _
 powerful than the Sun, who is the MOST    |;|_|;|_|;|
 powerful being in the world! Would you    \\.    .  /
 marry my daughter, who is the most         \\:  .  /
 wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle,           ||:   |
 courageous and beautiful mouse in my        ||:.  |
 kingdom?"                                   ||:  .|
                                             ||:   |       \,/
                                             ||: , |            /`\
                                             ||:   |
                                             ||: . |
              __                            _||_   |
     ____--`~    '--~~__            __ ----~    ~`---,              ___
-~--~                   ~---__ ,--~'                  ~~----_____-~'   `~----~~

 "I would be glad to do so, but alas! I am not that powerful... look, look!
 here in my dungeons, a prince mouse has made hundreds of holes in me, and
 never, never have I been able to stop him from doing so! Surly he is more
 powerful than I."

 The King was very desperate by that time... he decided to make a last
 attempt and walked in the maze of paths and holes of the dungeons of
 the tower to find the prince mouse. After some time, he met him:

 "Oh Sir, prince Mouse.. You who are more powerful than the Tower, who is
 himself more powerful than the Wind, who is more powerful than the Cloud,
 who is more powerful than the Sun, who is the most powerful being in the
 world! Would you marry my daughter.. who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright,
 gentle courageous and beautiful mouse in my Kingdom?"
  ,-'' `-.    And since the prince mouse was in             ,  .
 /\\`    _\ ,   love with the King's daughter too,         c(\/|
|\\     (_\/|    he answered "yes:)" and the two           /  o `-.
 `   /  /-'o `-.   mice married each other, were          |    --'
    |  /    --'     happy like no other royal couple,   _-_    (_
   /' /\_,-'|`-'/   many many children.                /`` `---' \     /
  |  |_.--._|/-'                                    /  `---. \ \-'\__./
  |  |  ,  /)`                                      \  ( -< -'-'|\_.-/'
  \\_|  ,) ||               T  H  E                 |  `-.`. ,`(
   `--\ |_//                                        |   /`'----'\
       |' |__,            E    N    D               \\_/ | | | | \
      /|\   `                                         `-~~\~~|~/~~'
                                                           \ |/
                                                          ,_/  '
                               (o o)

   Geometric Article (by Lars Aronsson):

I don't know about you, but in a local Internet BBS here in Linkoping
Sweden, we have been cultivating a different form of ASCII art, which
we call "geometric articles".  The same thing is know from literature
as "picture poems" (I don't know if that is the term used in English,
though), but the traditional picture poems don't adhere to our strict
rules.  Traditionally these were typeset in proportional pitch fonts,
while we use fixed font terminals.  The most common of the "geometric
articles" is the "brick".  Just like this text, you keep both margins
straight.  Simple variations are triangles and circles.  The art gets
more difficult
as you try to        Wow, look at this.  A whole empty space in here,
make shorter        where I could put a signature, or some ASCII art,
lines.  The        or something else, that would be interesting to my
most skilled        readers.  Too bad I cannot make up my mind on how
in this noble        to use this space, and soon it will all be used.
art have tried
to write articles in the shape of pictures, or even in the shape of a
word.  Obviously, this requires a command of the language used that I
can impossibly display in English.  I leave that all to you to try...

   Picture Poem (by Adrienne Rich, from Meindert de Jong):

              above the
          water hang the
                  O so
               what            A pale signal will appear
              when        Soon before its shadow fades
             where      Here in this pool of opened eye
            in us     No upon us As at the very edges
             of where we take shape in the dark air
              This object bares its image awakening
                ripples of recognition that will
                   brush darkness up into light
even after this bird this hour both drift byatop the perfect
sad instant now     already passing out of sight
                 toward yet-untroubled reflection
               this image bares its object darkening
              into memorial shades scattered bits of
            light      No of water Or something across
            water        Breaking up no being regathered
             soon          Yet by then a swan will have
              gone              yes out of mind into what
                  of a
         sudden dark as
             if a swan

   ANSI Escape Codes for making animations (from Colin Douthwaite):

                            ANSI ESCAPE SEQUENCES
Wherever you see '#', that should be replaced by the appropriate number.

        ESC code sequence                       Function
       -------------------              ---------------------------
Cursor Controls:
         ESC[#;#H or ESC[#;#f           Moves cusor to line #, column #
         ESC[#A                         Moves cursor up # lines
         ESC[#B                         Moves cursor down # lines
         ESC[#C                         Moves cursor forward # spaces
         ESC[#D                         Moves cursor back # spaces
         ESC[#;#R                       Reports current cursor line & column
         ESC[s                          Saves cursor position for recall later
         ESC[u                          Return to saved cursor position

Erase Functions:
         ESC[2J                         Clear screen and home cursor
         ESC[K                          Clear to end of line

Set Graphics Rendition:
         ESC[#;#;....;#m                Set display attributes where # is
                                            0 for normal display
                                            1 for bold on
                                            4 underline (mono only)
                                            5 blink on
                                            7 reverse video on
                                            8 nondisplayed (invisible)
                                            30 black foreground
                                            31 red foreground
                                            32 green foreground
                                            33 yellow foreground
                                            34 blue foreground
                                            35 magenta foreground
                                            36 cyan foreground
                                            37 white foreground
                                            40 black background
                                            41 red background
                                            42 green background
                                            43 yellow background
                                            44 blue background
                                            45 magenta background
                                            46 cyan background
                                            47 white background

         ESC[=#;7h or                   Put screen in indicated mode where #is
         ESC[=h or                          0 for 40 x 25 black & white
         ESC[=0h or                         1 for 40 x 25 color
         ESC[?7h                            2 for 80 x 25 b&w
                                            3 for 80 x 25 color
                                            4 for 320 x 200 color graphics
                                            5 for 320 x 200 b & w graphics
                                            6 for 640 x 200 b & w graphics
                                            7 to wrap at end of line

         ESC[=#;7l or ESC[=l or         Resets mode # set with above command
         ESC[=0l or ESC[?7l

Keyboard Reassignments:
         ESC[#;#;...p                   Keyboard reassignment. The first ASCII
         or ESC["string"p               code defines which code is to be
         or ESC[#;"string";#;           changed. The remaining codes define
            #;"string";#p               what it is to be changed to.

         E.g. Reassign the Q and q keys to the A and a keys (and vice versa).
         ESC [65;81p                    A becomes Q
         ESC [97;113p                   a becomes q
         ESC [81;65p                    Q becomes A
         ESC [113;97p                   q becomes a

         E.g. Reassign the F10 key to a DIR command.
         ESC [0;68;"dir";13p            The 0;68 is the extended ASCII code
                                        for the F10 key and 13 is the ASCII
                                        code for a carriage return.

         Other function key codes       F1=59,F2=60,F3=61,F4=62,F5=63

   D.E.C. VT-100 ANSI (from Wintson Smith):

     D.E.C. VT-100 keys are not redefinable.  Each key sends a fixed escape
code.  Thus, the [ GOLD / PF1 ] key can not be exchanged with the [ PF4 ]
key.  Their hardware actions are fixed.  The keys can only be reassigned
via changing the --SOFTWARE-- routine executed for any particular keypress.
VAX/VMS DCL allows you to map and remap the VT100 keys at the OS level.
You can redefine VT-100 keys under program control, but you can do that for
--ANY-- key on your keyboard (e.g. if 'a' is pressed go West, etc....).
D.E.C. VT-100 ANSI is not much like MS-DOS ANSI.SYS in several respects.
PF1, for example, will send an <ESCAPE><Capital-O><Capital-P> in D.E.C.
VT-100 ANSI.  There is no way to change this sequence short of turning on
VT-52 emulation and turning the VT-100 into a VT-52 (which changes the
screen mapping and everything else about the terminal).

     Here is the VT100 ANSI function keypad as I know it:
     [ <ESC> O P ]  [ <ESC> O Q ]  [ <ESC> O R ]  [ <ESC> O S ]
     [ <ESC> O w ]  [ <ESC> O x ]  [ <ESC> O y ]  [ <ESC> O m ]
     [ <ESC> O t ]  [ <ESC> O u ]  [ <ESC> O v ]  [ <ESC> O l ]
     [ <ESC> O q ]  [ <ESC} O r ]  [ <ESC> O s ]
     [      <ESC> O p           ]  [ <ESC> O n ]  [ <ESC> O M ]

     The function keypad is turned on with:
          <ESCAPE> =
     The function keypad is turned off with:
          <ESCAPE> >


ASCII Art Resources
This format and compilation as a whole is copyrighted by Glen Robbins.
c1994 Glen Robbins

This archive may be read and distributed non-commercially at no charge.
The art is generally used as if it were public domain.
I will immediately remove any art that a copyright holder asks be removed.


    Version: 4.8
   Released: December 5, 1994
 Characters: 188734
      Lines: 4537
Comments To: boba_wwa_com

|||| | | | | |  |  |  |   |   |    |      |    |   |   |  |  |  | | | | | ||||
       END  O F   A  S  C  I   I     A    R   T    R   E  S  O  U R CES
|||| | | | | |  |  |  |   |   |    |      |    |   |   |  |  |  | | | | | ||||